Prosecution Expert Witnesses

In 1987, the Fort Collins police and district attorney framed a high school kid for a murder he had nothing to with, based on the testimony of one “expert witness” who analyzed some art work the kid had made depicting violence.

Looks like the Zimmerman prosecutor found a similar scumbag, who testified today that a broken nose and lacerated head are “insignificant injuries

ScreenHunter_525 Jul. 02 13.34 ScreenHunter_524 Jul. 02 13.33

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Prosecution Expert Witnesses

  1. Latitude says:

    …I guess you have to wait until you’re dead first

  2. b13martin says:

    I’m sure that if this “expert witness” were to be beaten up and suffer similar injuries his testimony would not be that they were “insignificant”

  3. kirkmyers says:

    The Zimmerman trial is a politically motivated witch hunt. The case should never have gone to trial, and it would not have if Zimmerman had been wearing a cop’s uniform. The race-hustlers, assisted by their left-leaning allies in the news media, jumped into the fray and scared local law enforcement officials and government prosecutors into filing murder charges.

    I wonder how the black community in Sanford will react if Zimmerman is acquitted. Will a not-guilty verdict trigger a race riot? Will we see a free-for-all at the nearest shopping mall? Will perpetually offended blacks use it as an excuse to torch local businesses?

    Of one thing we can be sure: If the neighborhood watch shooter had been black (instead of Hispanic) and the victim has been white, this case would have grabbed headlines for a few days and then would have been quickly forgotten.

    • Blade says:

      I wonder how the black community in Sanford will react if Zimmerman is acquitted. Will a not-guilty verdict trigger a race riot? Will we see a free-for-all at the nearest shopping mall? Will perpetually offended blacks use it as an excuse to torch local businesses?

      Can’t argue with that.

      I predict there will be a shopping spree. Expect a large uptick in marketshare for iPads, Flat-Screen TV’s and $100 sneakers.

      Anyone who remembers the L.A. riots might remember them carrying off the big-screen TV’s of that era, huge CRT’s that weighed over a hundred pounds each. Imagine the efficiency of snatching even bigger screens that weigh 1/2 to 1/4 of that. I also predict that these knuckleheads will not know what geo-locating means 🙂

      It certainly is political. There probably are a few racists dummies in the Florida bureaucracy that think they are helping things by lynching a hispanic because they really believe he is racist against black folk. But most of the politics IMHO is over the gun, because the State and its agents do not want people to defend themselves because that removes their main purpose in life. If Zimmerman was a paid, unionized security guard then they might look the other way.

      The keywords of this case : religious and civilian and gun-owner means Zimmerman hit the Trifecta of leftist Anti-Americanism.

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