Wind is blowing large amounts of ice (red below) into the intended path of the rowers.
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Musr be driftwood..they said it was driftwood..why would they lie ? 🙂
Ice blocking the Northwest passage? I’m shocked, shocked!
MODIS_Terra using 7-2-1 correction has a much better view if one isn’t trying to pass off clouds as ice.,-201790.600356,-2035232,-7230.600356&products=baselayers,MODIS_Aqua_CorrectedReflectance_Bands721~overlays,arctic_coastlines_3413,arctic_graticule_3413&time=2013-07-12&switch=arctic
It’s getting old Steve, the only ones you are fooling with your “ice clouds” are the members of your illiterati.
Reggie, I realize you are a moron and can’t read a complete sentence, but perhaps you missed the part about the ice being red?
I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if they come after you with pitchforks when they get back.
First of all, they already are in the Beaufort Sea, so they can’t be blocked from entering it. Secondly, there is no ice blocking their immediate path, or any ice blocking them for 200 km.
Earlier today you were claiming there was multi year ice being blown in there path, that is 100 percent horse manure.
Is this an act or are you on a campaign to dethrone Jim Hoft and claim title to being the dumbest man on the internet?
Steve, I read exactly what you wrote,
The red isn’t ice, the ice is bright orange.
How many miles of ice free cruising?
Do I have to drink more Brawndo to see some kind of difference between your link photo and Steve’s photo that looks exactly the same?
They are from two different satellites and were taken at different times, hence the difference in cloud cover.
I see that Brawndo is for Intellectuals:
Hey Reggie do you think Mike will want to surf to the North Pole with me? lol
Always fascinated by clouds with rectangular edges!
My first Rorschach test response to this photo was that it was blow torch heating. But I’m completely wasted from drinking too much Brawndo so that may be why I see what I see and suddenly have the urge to wind surf my way to the North Pole in my Speedos with all that warm open water up there. 🙂
Maybe they can get there by snow board.