Secretary Of Interior Threatens Employees, Promises To Trash Public Lands

“I hope there are no climate change deniers in the Department of Interior,” she said.

Only followers of the ManBearPig religion are permitted to work for the US government.

If there are any, she invited them to visit public lands managed by the agency — be it the melting permafrost in Alaska or shrinking snowpacks in the Sierra Mountains — as proof. “If you don’t believe in it, come out into the resources,” she said.

Americans are required to believe what Obama believes.

Interior will be following through on President Obama’s climate change plan, including achieving 20 gigawatts of renewable power on public lands by 2020, she said.

Secretary wants ‘no climate change deniers’ in her department

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No actual science is permitted in the Obama administration. There is not one shred of evidence that killing raptors and bats will improve the climate.

Alaska has cooled more than two degrees since the turn of the century.

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About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Secretary Of Interior Threatens Employees, Promises To Trash Public Lands

  1. Anthony Bremner says:

    This strange piece comes from about global warming in Alaska. Sad and funny at the same time.
    “The snow comes in a different timing now,” Warner’s partner Nathan Tom said in an interview with the Guardian. “The snow disappears way late. That is making the geese come at the wrong time. Now they are starting to lay their eggs when there is still snow and ice and we can’t go pick them.”
    Tom added: “It’s changing a lot. It’s real, it’s global warming, it’s real.”

  2. gator69 says:

    I guess progressives have given up on their notion of the separation of church and state.

  3. Pathway says:

    I know several BLM people who may have to look for new jobs.

  4. This kind of official oppression is exactly what happens under Islam. That is an Obama Imam talking, and I believe any people who want to remain free need to wake up to that.

  5. teddi says:

    This is so outrageous ! These appointees of Obama are in full on destruction mode….

  6. Olaf Koenders says:

    Spelling error – should be Department of Inferior..

  7. Miner49er says:

    She’s the modern equivalent of Torquemada pursuing heretics (only more unattractive). She reminds of an old REI tent that has seen its best days.

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