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The 90% Concentration North Pole Hole
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Ack! … I see more water again … in the fricken ocean no doubt. Who the hell put water there?
wind is slowing down and changing direction…..leads aren’t as obvious now
down wind….the ice is still piled up
Are there any submarines surfacing like in the 1950s?
There are holes up there big enough to allow multiple Manhattan Islands to surface at the same time. We are not talking about the narrow leads that allowed submarines to surface for a few hours.
That talking point is well past its best its before date and that tired old dog don’t hunt anymore.
There are icebergs big enough to destroy a Manhattan-sized Titanic without room to maneuvre.
There are no icebergs in that area, only sea ice.
Do you even know what an iceberg is?
I have never seen a blog where the regular posters have such a poor understanding of science.
Reggie, All of your predictions have been a total fail.
BTW – a big chunk of ice would easily crush that little boat.
Steve: Which predictions?
I certainly got the blowtorch right, although credit for that goes to Dr Masters blog where I got help from bloggers who know real science.
I’m right about PAC2013 and the holes near the pole
You are te one who won’t make a prediction about sea ice. I can see why, I did a little research into when you were at Willard’s blog. Wow, almost as bad as left field Joe, the ex tv weather guy.
I am getting the feeling that you really don’t know what is going on with the ice, I thought all the stuff you posted was just to feed the rube’s outrage, but now I am not so sure.
Steve: If I am so wrong why do you always resort to name calling, INSTEAD OF USING SCIENCE?
Well it appears that one more of my predictions is coming through and it’s a few days ahead of time.The ice is vanishing off the coast across from Victoria and Banks Islands.
Check out this link
If necessary correct to Modis aqua 721
Zoom in all the way
Toggle between July 1st and 3rd.
In just two days an incredible amount of ice has simply melted away. There are only two minor blockages along the route and it will weeks before they reach those locations
It’s ironic, the only ice they are going to have to avoid and row around, will be the ice they encounter in the first few days.
Whoever advised them to delay the start by a few days is a genius.
Are you under psychiatric care?
What is wrong now?
Are you actually going to disagree with what the images show.
Take a look at the area off Victoria Island last year around this time, It was much more open up by the McKenzie, but blocked up by Victoria Island.
You can argue until you are blue in the face, it isn’t going to change reality.
These buffoons are skipping most of the completely impassable Northwest Passage shipping route (Beaufort and Chukchi Seas) and are going to try to sneak through some small openings in the ice and if they make it they will claim that climate change has melted the Arctic.
Other than the fact that it is a complete and total fraud, what could be wrong?
I noticed your reply was posted 2 minutes after I posted that link, that’s not enough time to even look at the images for the two years. It makes you angry that I was right once again. Remeber, you are the one who made all those posts mocking me.
Being right was my best revenge
So you support their fraudulent propaganda effort?
Let me get this straight, are you going on the record as claiming the Beaufort Sea and Chukchi Seas are going to be blocked by ice at the end of ice melt season?
As long as the left is driven by the religion of global warming no true science can exist only agenda driven science.
Now I see it, the white part is open ocean and the dark spots are ice. It’s black ice, get it? No, wait, it could be giant herds of Polar Bears swimming in the Arctic.
The holes are getting bigger. there is one at 86N, 120E that has to be at least 20km in length.
It will be interesting to watch how much of that ice gets flushed this summer.
Brawndo is what rotten ice loves.
You posted three day old ice? Lets try again
Ben, it was from Sunday, today’s wasn’t out when I posted and yesterday’s had too many clouds to give a decent view. It appears today’s is just as crappy with clouds obscuring the view of the biggest holes.
Nice try but you failed.
I can’t believe you thought the Titanic sank because it hit a piece of sea ice.
Looks like the concentration is really starting to drop near the pole, especially between 90E and 175E
Nobody can deny all those green and yellow colours
Why not ?
You seem to deny the deep purple.
I didn’t deny the purple, why do you have to lie?
Its obvious that there isn’t anyone here familiar with Arctic Sea ice if you all believe that what we are current seeing near the North Pole is normal.
The North Pole is having the coldest summer on record. That is definitely not normal.
What does the have to do with the price of tea in China?
Are you saying all that weakened badly fractured ice and all those large holes near the pole are a result of the slightly below normal temperatures?
Does that mean you think all the damage was from shrinkage?
There is another scenario that explains both the ice’s terrible condition and the slightly colder spring temperatures north of 80.
Yeah since when do temperatures have anything to do with global warming? That is so 2007.
correction: What does that have to do with the price of tea in China?
Reggie are you denying the DMI graph is showing below normal temps north of 80 degrees lat and are you also denying that temps went below normal on ~ May 10th and have been below normal ever since? Steven has calculated in an earlier post that this was the coldest spring / summer period in the DMI record starting at 1958 … do you deny that too?
Do temps no longer matter in the bizarro GLO-BULL warming world of climate change and weather weirding / extreme weather.
Reggie, I don’t think anyone here denies the wind blows the ice about and sometimes it can wreck havoc as it did last August but play nice and perhaps everyone can learn something.
I realize that this is difficult for you to understand that the phenomenon of badly fractured ice may have been a result of a weather event that led to the slightly lower temps near the poles.
Check out the sea level air pressure anomaly for June 2013
image credit: Dosbat
Scroll to the last image, the one for 2013 June anomaly.
Are you TRYING to make yourself LOOK STUPID, Reggie-Pooh-Pooh. YOU ALWAYS MANGE TO DO IT. GOOD GRIEF, you make “dr“ mann and his boot lickers look STUPID!!!
BTW – THANKS FOR DOING IT – making “dr“ mann and his boot lickers look STUPID!!!
The artic will be the alarmists Waterloo. That’s why people like Reggie act so stupid about it. They know when things turn around, as it is already doing, his religion is kaput.
Have you all seen the latest flyover video along the 1st 600 miles of the coast?
Egad, the trip is going to be a trip!!!
Looking good at the mouth of the McKenzie.
Change the date to july 2
Change the layer to: Corrected Reflectance (7-2-1)Terra / MOD
Zoom in…..ENJOY!