The 90% Concentration North Pole Hole

ScreenHunter_506 Jul. 02 06.00 – Arctic Terra – (2013/182)

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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36 Responses to The 90% Concentration North Pole Hole

  1. squid2112 says:

    Ack! … I see more water again … in the fricken ocean no doubt. Who the hell put water there?

  2. Latitude says:

    wind is slowing down and changing direction…..leads aren’t as obvious now
    down wind….the ice is still piled up

  3. Sundance says:

    Are there any submarines surfacing like in the 1950s?

  4. James Anderson says:

    As long as the left is driven by the religion of global warming no true science can exist only agenda driven science.

  5. Brad says:

    Now I see it, the white part is open ocean and the dark spots are ice. It’s black ice, get it? No, wait, it could be giant herds of Polar Bears swimming in the Arctic.

  6. Looks like the concentration is really starting to drop near the pole, especially between 90E and 175E
    Nobody can deny all those green and yellow colours

  7. correction: What does that have to do with the price of tea in China?

    • stewart pid says:

      Reggie are you denying the DMI graph is showing below normal temps north of 80 degrees lat and are you also denying that temps went below normal on ~ May 10th and have been below normal ever since? Steven has calculated in an earlier post that this was the coldest spring / summer period in the DMI record starting at 1958 … do you deny that too?
      Do temps no longer matter in the bizarro GLO-BULL warming world of climate change and weather weirding / extreme weather.
      Reggie, I don’t think anyone here denies the wind blows the ice about and sometimes it can wreck havoc as it did last August but play nice and perhaps everyone can learn something.

    • terrence says:

      Are you TRYING to make yourself LOOK STUPID, Reggie-Pooh-Pooh. YOU ALWAYS MANGE TO DO IT. GOOD GRIEF, you make “dr“ mann and his boot lickers look STUPID!!!

      BTW – THANKS FOR DOING IT – making “dr“ mann and his boot lickers look STUPID!!!

  8. Jorge says:

    The artic will be the alarmists Waterloo. That’s why people like Reggie act so stupid about it. They know when things turn around, as it is already doing, his religion is kaput.

  9. Chewer, says:

    Have you all seen the latest flyover video along the 1st 600 miles of the coast?
    Egad, the trip is going to be a trip!!!

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