Things Obama Wants You Worried About

Obama wants you worried about these things :

  • George Zimmerman is going to come shoot you
  • The NRA is going to come shoot you
  • Affordable energy is going to kill you
  • Snowden is telling people how to kill you
  • Rising sea level is going to kill you
  • The fiscal cliff is going to kill you
  • The banking crisis is going to kill you
  • The health care crisis is going to kill you
  • Climate deniers are going to kill you
  • Republican driven superstorms are going to kill you
  • Republican driven tornadoes are going to kill you
  • Defending yourself is going to kill you

Hope and change!

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to Things Obama Wants You Worried About

  1. Robertv says:

    50 % . The ‘change’ part.

  2. JIm says:

    Summary of the Obama Presidency- tell people what to be afraid of and whose to blame!

  3. gator69 says:

    The Bill of Rights will kill you.
    Gun shaped pastries will kill you.
    Your doctor will kill you.

  4. Shame getting the budget into balance is not on that list.

  5. scizzorbill says:

    Depopulation is going to kill you.

  6. Steve says:

    β€œWe must reject the idea that every time a law’s broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker.” β€” Ronald Reagan

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