Unprecedented Cold Headed For South America This Week

ScreenHunter_49 Jul. 20 08.42

10-Day Temperature Outlook

Temperatures as low as -15C in the tropics.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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22 Responses to Unprecedented Cold Headed For South America This Week

  1. gator69 says:

    Where is Gore?

  2. Scarface says:

    Well, isn’t it an anomaly of -15, so temps will be more like +10? Still cold though.

  3. JFB says:

    In some parts of Brazil temperatures could fall to -8 to -10C next week (Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina e Paraná) . In july, 18, 1975, an similar event exterminates coffee plantations in the state of Parana, that produced in that time half of whole crop in the country. No more coffe in Parana since that time. The coffee plantations were to north. In the next days, others crops and animal creations may suffer with generalized frost and snow in some places.

  4. F. Guimaraes says:

    Let’s see how the 2nd semester of 2013 goes. The 1st semester was pretty good with many records on Antarctica, a good recovery of the Arctic ice, record snowfall in the NH last winter… we’re on the right track so far.

  5. Argiris Diamantis says:

    The cold weather is also expected for the North American continent.

  6. Alexandre says:

    It’s supposed to be the strongest cold wave since 1975.

  7. Andy DC says:

    It is certainly going to get very cold way north in the interior of South America, with snow likely for places in eastern South America that rarely get snow. Whether it makes it into the coffee plantations is still up for grabs. The models now seem to be showing too much of a dig back configuration in the upper air to allow the cold air to make it there, but these things are very tricky to forecast.

    The last major Brazilian freeze was back in June 1994. I had a friend back then who saw it coming and made a killing in the coffee futures market. The July 1975 freeze was by far the worst and as others have said, wiped out almost the entire coffee crop.

  8. Ben says:

    That is not cherry picking, that is blueberry picking 😉

  9. Eliza says:

    This is one I will have to disagree with. I live in Central SA and there is no such forecast: The weather maps are not showing this either and they are usually very very accurate up to 6-7 days forward.If you are talking about 13aug onwards you may be correct.(next cold wave)usually every 7 days in winter, but the high off Brazil tend to deviate the cold air southwards again

  10. Eliza says:

    Actually here you can see in vivo (live) how the high push/restrain the cold front”fork” southwards
    http://www.eldoradocountyweather.com/satellite/misc/s.america-ir-sat.html LOL happens ALL the time = NORMAL event NOT GLOBAL WARMING LOL

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