Daily Archives: September 15, 2013

The 1965 Platte River Flood

About once every 20 years Colorado has rainfall and flooding more severe than the current 1000 year biblical flood. One of these events occurred in 1965 and killed 21 people. Some of the largest rain totals were observed in the … Continue reading

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New Mexico Permanent Drought Update

Five weeks ago, the LA Times reported that New Mexico was in an unrecoverable drought, which had permanently wrecked the ecosystem. Aug. 6, 2013 nowhere is it worse than in New Mexico. In this parched state, the question is no … Continue reading

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Obama’s Syria Failure Is Now Complete

Whatever it was Obama was hoping to do in Syria (Islamist takeover? Take out Iran’s nuclear weapons program?) it is now a lot more difficult. “We welcome the agreement,” Syrian Reconciliation Minister Ali Haidar told Russian news agency Ria Novosti, … Continue reading

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No Hesitation : NYPD Shoot A Disabled Woman Because A Man Pointed His Finger At Them

Cops trying to subdue an emotionally disturbed man with a long rap sheet accidentally shot two female bystanders outside Port Authority Bus Terminal on Saturday night, source said. Two cops pulled off a total of three shots in the mistaken … Continue reading

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Fox News Gets The Junk Science Reporting Award For The day

The flooding has affected parts of a 4,500-square-mile area, almost the size of Connecticut. At least 4 killed, 500 unaccounted for as floodwater inundates Colorado | Fox News The flooding has actually affected parts of a 2,000,000-square-mile area, almost the … Continue reading

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Boulder Flood Update

I got some flood reports from people I know in Boulder. They all said – water in the basements, no other damage, no wall of water, wildly exaggerated by the press, life back to normal today. Estes Park has some … Continue reading

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Shock News : Obama Lied About Global Warming

At a fund-raiser for the Democratic Congressional Campaign   Committee in Chicago May 29, he had said: “We … know that   the climate is warming faster than anybody anticipated five or   ten years ago.” He had added: “I … Continue reading

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