Obama Restores Foreign Relations To The Former Glories Of The Carter Era

ScreenHunter_645 Sep. 16 18.54

an impressive naval operation, widely covered in the Russian media, that saw a task force of ten warships and nuclear-powered icebreakers complete a 2,000-mile patrol across the formerly ice-bound coastline. The flotilla was led by the flagship of Russia’s northern fleet, the guided-missile cruiser Peter the Great.

For first time since Cold War, Russian navy sets up permanent Arctic presence | Alaska Dispatch

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Obama Restores Foreign Relations To The Former Glories Of The Carter Era

  1. PhilJourdan says:

    Peter the great was the name of the Russian Missile satellite in Meteor.

  2. copernicus34 says:

    we know this is a lie because there is no ice left for the icebreakers to break. mikey mann has told us all this.

  3. jack b :-) says:

    Still waiting for Obama’s version of the Iranian hostage crisis. Oh wait! He’s holding US hostage! My bad.

  4. mike says:

    “But the new emphasis on the Arctic is driven largely by global warming.”

    The US based global warmists over the past decade or so created the perfect scenario for the Russians to reclaim the resources rich Arctic.The Russians no more believe global warming than the man on the moon, it’s a resource driven exercise with cover provided by AlGorjeera & other leftist dismantlers.

  5. Pathway says:

    Jimmy Carter wakes up every day and says “Thank God I’m no longer the worst President in history.”

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