Monthly Archives: September 2013

Will My Comment Be Censored By The Houston Chronicle?

Who is Eric Holthaus, and why did he give up flying today? | SciGuy | a blog

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Could Eric Holthaus Have Prevented Hurricane Sandy By Not Getting On An Airplane?

Who is Eric Holthaus, and why did he give up flying today? | SciGuy | a blog What I see in Eric is another Al Gore type entrepreneur,  who has detected a large group of extremely stupid people who … Continue reading

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Shock News : IPCC Suffering From Dementia

The IPCC used to know that there was a Medieval Warm Period, but they forgot after overdosing on some bad drugs at a Y2K party. 19 Jul 1953 – FUNNY WEATHER WE’VE BEEN HAVING THESE PAST FEW Y… In 1990, … Continue reading

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Logic Lesson For Progressives On Choom

Progressives tell us that : Not all Muslims are terrorists That is brilliant, because it would be a very bad thing if there were 1.6 billion suicide bombers in a world of 7 billion people. A more interesting question is … Continue reading

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LANL Shock News : Greenland Has Been Cooling For Decades

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Declining Cascades Snow Cover Update

George Taylor was fired as Oregon State Climatologist – because he correctly pointed out that Cascades snow cover was not declining. SEPTEMBER 28, 2013 Mt Rainier – Snow forecast raised to almost 18 ft in next 4 days

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No Warming For The Majority Of The Satellite Era

NASA satellites have been tracking the Earth’s temperature since 1979. All of the observed warming occurred during the the first half of the record (rebounding from the ice age scare and two large volcanic eruptions) and there has been no … Continue reading

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Aussie Rag Says The Greenland Ice Sheet Is Melting Six Times Faster Than A Decade Ago

The Greenland ice sheet is melting more than six times faster than just a decade ago. And whatever changes take place will only be reversible over many hundreds, even thousands, of years. Reality of global warming is screaming at us … Continue reading

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Judith Curry Points Out That The IPCC Is Worse Than It Seems

Not only is the IPCC reporting junk science, but they are interfering with people who are trying to do real science. by Judith Curry Diagnosis: paradigm paralysis, caused by motivated reasoning, oversimplification, and consensus seeking; worsened and made permanent by … Continue reading

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Decayed Arctic Ice In Much Better Shape Than 2006

July 25, 2013 Barber said the ice is getting so weak that new categories have had to be created for it. “We have a whole new class of sea ice in the Arctic, which we’re calling ‘decayed ice,”‘ he said. Summer … Continue reading

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