Monthly Archives: September 2013

Another Busy Weekend For The Religion Of Peace

Perhaps the White House shouldn’t be sending arms to Islamic terrorists? Islamic terrorists murder up to 50 students in attack on Nigerian college

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Western Greenland Temperatures Declining Since 1930

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Just How Incompetent Is NOAA?

NOAA shows that 2012 was the most extreme weather year in US history, despite the fact that there was little extreme weather last year – other than Sandy which isn’t included in the index. According to their fake index, 2012 … Continue reading

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1936 Spring Flood Covered 14 States, Left Hundreds Of Thousands Homeless

The most extreme weather year in US history was 1936. It was marked by a record cold winter, followed by a record hot summer combined with extreme drought, tornadoes and flooding. The Sydney Morning Herald – Google News Archive … Continue reading

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Trump Explains Obamacare

h/t to Adam Gallon

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Gaming Theory Working In Republicans Favor

The way the system works, either Harry Reid or Obama are going to be the last one holding the ball when the government shutdown/debt default decision is made. Boehner’s strategy is very low risk, because most Americans don’t want Obamacare. … Continue reading

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US Hurricane Strikes Have Dropped 25% Since CO2 Was 280 PPM

HURDAT Re-analysis Chronological List of All Hurricanes

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US Afternoon Temperatures Show No Correlation With CO2

Before NOAA tampering, US afternoon temperatures show zero correlation with atmospheric CO2 content. Most of the hottest years in the US occurred when CO2 was around 310 PPM. Index of /pub/data/ghcn/daily/hcn/

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Melting The Arctic Without A Physical Mechanism

Due to record cold weather, there was very little surface melt north of 80N this summer. The melt which did occur was largely due to storms, which brought warm water up from the depths and melted the base of the … Continue reading

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Obama EPA Classifies Essential Life Ingredient As A Toxic Pollutant

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