Monthly Archives: September 2013

The IPCC’s New Clothes

The IPCC has been running around naked and ugly ever since Michael Mann killed off the last few thousand years of climate history and chopped down Briffa’s trees. They believe that by making loud proclamations that they are clothed in … Continue reading

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“Popular Science” Renames Themselves “Populist Fascism”

 Why We’re Shutting Off Our Comments Starting today, will no longer accept comments on new articles. Here’s why. Comments can be bad for science. That’s why, here at, we’re shutting them off. Exchange of ideas is bad for … Continue reading

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The Progression of Evil

Ten years ago climate scientists lied, cheated and tampered because they were pretty sure that all of their psychotic theories would come true later. Now they lie, cheat and tamper only to protect their funding and reputations.

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1954 – Five Major Hurricanes Hit The US Within 14 Months

It has been eight years since the US was hit by a major hurricane, but back during the low CO2 years of 1954-1955 the US was hit by five major hurricanes within fourteen months. Gettysburg Times – Google News Archive … Continue reading

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No Warming For 70% Of The IPCC’s History

We are now at AR5 with zero warming since AR4. The last IPCC report which actually experienced any warming was SAR in 1995. In fact, the vast majority of the IPCC’s history has seen zero warming, and prior to that … Continue reading

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Understanding The Obama/McCain Plan

Bring millions of new poor immigrants into the country Double health care costs on the middle class, to pay for the immigrants insurance Bankrupt the country Bypass the Congress Gut the Bill of Rights Disarm the citizenry Build up a … Continue reading

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Cows Cause 15% Of Global Warming

If we’re going to tackle climate change, we might want to start by addressing the world’s inability to wean itself off cows. The livestock industry is responsible for roughly 15% of global carbon emissions, according to a new climate change … Continue reading

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Thing Of The Past Strikes Colorado

Web Cams

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Climate Scientists Lie In Unprecedented Ways

The Earth has changed in “unprecedented ways” since 1950, the U.N. says, and its scientists are 95 percent certain that humans are responsible. UN climate change report dismisses slowdown in global warming | Fox News I’ve been around almost the … Continue reading

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Obama Arms The Muslim Brotherhood And Talks To Iran, While He Disarms Americans And Refuses To Talk To Republicans, Climate Skeptics, People Who Support The Constitution, People Who Support A Balanced Budget, People Who Seek Integrity In Government …


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