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- Francis Barnett on “Arctic sea ice is headed toward a historic low”
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- Francis Barnett on “The Floridian quakes with apprehension”
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Daily Archives: October 2, 2013
What Is Wrong With The Republican Leadership?
Why are they wasting their time trying to fix the government shutdown? They need to spend the next few days focused on trashing Obamacare. Less than 40% of people want it, and the idea of forcing a massive change like … Continue reading
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Missing Arctic Ice Cube Threatens The Planet
N_daily_extent.png (420×500)
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You Can’t Hide From Your Own Stupidity
‘Climate change refugee’ fights to stay in New Zealand | Environment | theguardian.com I can imagine that life in Kiribati is quite boring, but sea level isn’t rising there. www.psmsl.org/data/obtaining/rlr.monthly.data/1371.rlrdata
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1930s Climate Experts
I suspect that these people would have known what to do with the long end of Mikey’s hockey stick.
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New Rotten, Decayed Ice Forming Very Quickly This Week
Green shows new ice growth over the past week Arctic Sea-Ice Monitor Alarmist hearts are breaking tonight. All of their dreams of misery for the human race are being shattered. Arctic Sea-Ice Monitor
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