Daily Archives: October 9, 2013

Just Making Stuff Up As They Go Along

You really can’t make this stuff up. Global warming theory has always assumed polar amplification, and now some climate buffoons are claiming the exact opposite. Twitter / afreedma: New study finds the tropics … vortex.nsstc.uah.edu/data/msu/t2lt/uahncdc_lt_5.5.txt

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Understanding Sea Level Rise

Sea level may rise and fall several thousand mm per day at most beaches, but an additional rise of 2 mm/year destroys the beach. Our leading climate experts tell us that this is true, and you just don’t have the … Continue reading

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Dottering Old Fool Seeks Media Censorship

Lord Deben, chairman of the Committee on Climate Change, condemned the media for seeking to balance climate change proponents with sceptics. Science in favour of climate change ‘akin to evidence linking smoking to cancer’ – Telegraph

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Greenpeace : Saving The Planet Through Heroin Addiction

Russian investigators say they have found what appear to be hard drugs on board the Greenpeace ship seized during a protest in the Arctic last month. “During a search of the ship, drugs (apparently poppy straw and morphine) were confiscated,” … Continue reading

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Reader Quiz

If catastrophic global warming is real, why do government agencies feel the need to cheat, lie and tamper with data? Because it is not real. Because their funding depends on it. Because they have been instructed by the White House … Continue reading

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DUmmie FUnnies 10-07-13 (“This Land’s Not Your Land”: DUmmies down with Obama’s park shutdown) h/t to Dave G

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Guardian Gets Caught Lying – Scales Back Their BS

Last week, the Guardian published this spectacular lie – Ocean acidification due to carbon emissions is at highest for 300m years | Environment | The Guardian This was patently false. pH was much lower in the past. So they have … Continue reading

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Hansen Convicts Himself Of Data Tampering

In 1998, Hansen wrote : it is clear that 1998 did not match the record warmth of 1934, which occurred during the Dust Bowl era NASA GISS: Global Temperature Trends (This document was deleted from NASA servers in 2004 or 2005) … Continue reading

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Hansen : China To Save The World From Global Warming


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Hansen 1986 : Five Degrees Warming By 2010

The Miami News – Jun 11, 1986 The Miami News – Google News Archive Search

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