Daily Archives: October 14, 2013

New Paper Demonstrates That Climate Scientists Will Say Anything For Pay

Twitter / ret_ward: New paper concludes that man-made … Another modeling study which ignored the actual data. Weather Extremes : U.S Record Short-term Rainfalls | Weather Underground

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American History Comes Full Circle

Senate talks on shutdown continue as fears grow over markets’ response | World news | theguardian.com

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Scientists Uses Anti-Correlation To Gain Correlation Confidence

Super El Nino is back from the dead! Scientists say they are more certain than ever about the impact of global warming on a critical weather pattern. The El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) occurs in the Pacific Ocean but plays an … Continue reading

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Santa Fe Shock News : Hunters In The Forest During Hunting Season

Hikers encounter hunters on Aspen Vista Trail A couple of Santa Fe hikers were out enjoying the golden aspen leaves along Aspen Vista Trail on Monday morning when they heard gun shots. They were a bit alarmed and then encountered … Continue reading

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Understanding Responsible Government

From reading the MSM web sites, I have determined that the job of Congress is authorizing Obama to print trillions more dollars of funny money.

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Shock News : RINO Complains About Republicans

It has been almost a year since Chris Christie appeared in this award winning campaign ad for Barack Obama. And he is back at it – sabotaging Republicans again in 2013. Chris Christie Slams Congress – The Daily Beast

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Geoffrey Lean Shock News : Millions In The UK And Ireland To Drown From CO2

09 Jul 1988 – SATURDAY MAGAZINE The big heat is on This buffoon is still peddling the same crap 25 years later.

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1988 Consensus : 1.37 Metres Of Sea Level Rise By 2030

09 Jul 1988 – SATURDAY MAGAZINE The big heat is on Settled science – with an error bar of 7,000%

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