2013 : The Year Of The Tipping Point

How much more proof do you deniers need? Already this year we have had :

  • Tropical storms in the tropics
  • Forest fires in the forest
  • Floods on the flood plain
  • Tornadoes in tornado alley
  • Snow in the snow belt
  • Recalls in the legislature
  • Non-stop hysterics from the White House

And it is getting worse. Leaves are losing their chlorophyll, and we have hunters hunting during hunting season. The world is collapsing around us, and all you deniers do is keep on enjoying life.

ScreenHunter_1457 Oct. 13 13.39

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to 2013 : The Year Of The Tipping Point

  1. Latitude says:

    If you believe the birds know anything…stock up on things to keep warm
    The woodpeckers, cardinals, etc are here already….we never see them until right before Christmas

  2. Rex says:

    Didn’t the dear leader promise to put a stop to all this?

  3. R.de Haan says:

    Just read this website, it all happened before. Climate is cyclical: http://booty.org.uk/booty.weather/climate/1800_1849.htm

  4. ralphcramdo says:

    “Non-stop hysterics from the White House”

    Has anyone noticed that happens about once a month? Coincidence?

  5. Andy Oz says:

    The SMH has caught the Guardian disease.
    Climatism- an irrational fear of everything. These mob are really trying to stop the repeal of the carbon tax. Next article will be TEOTWAWKI!

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