Daily Archives: October 21, 2013

Shock News : Tony Abbott Does Not Control The Climate

Twitter / AGW_Prof: Australian wildfires put heat …

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Californians Sign Petition In Support Of Orwellian/Nazi Police State


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You Didn’t Build That

Review & Outlook: Sebelius on the Run – WSJ.com

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But Did They Have Skittles?

Brooklyn group of black youths blocks white couple’s car, bloody victims in racial attack: cops – NY Daily News Obama, Sharpton, Jackson, and Holder are all over this, no doubt.

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Arctic Data Tampering Reaches A Tipping Point

JAXA V1  is at the 2000’s average, while V2 is below it Arctic Sea-Ice Monitor They are doing some impressive work which Hansen would be proud of, increasing ice extent for older years, and decreasing it for more recent years. … Continue reading

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Mafia Explains That People Want To Pay Protection Money

President calls his last three years work unacceptable, says that forced compliance is a sign that people love it. ‘UNACCEPTABLE’: White House vows to fix ObamaCare site issues Obama administration officials and other Democrats appeared to respond Sunday to increasing … Continue reading

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Thin, Rotten, Decayed Ice In Overheated Arctic Behaving Very Oddly In 2013

COI | Centre for Ocean and Ice | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut A leading climate expert explains this : [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-pswRGPpSk]

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A Year After Sandy Hook

It has been almost a year since Sandy Hook, and Obama hasn’t lifted a finger to improve school security. The principal desperately called for someone with a gun to come rescue the children, but the police didn’t show up for … Continue reading

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Obama : Calling His Political Opponents Terrorists For Almost Five Years

No opposition permitted in this dictatorship. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9B8INyGZ60]

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Note To America

If you keep electing know-nothing Communist academics to hold high office, you will keep paying for it dearly.

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