Daily Archives: October 24, 2013

Every Automobile Is A Potential Mass Murder Weapon

h/t to Peter William Lount for the graphic

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Dems Thank Chinless Man For Selling Out His Party

Mitch McConnell Wins Praise In Unlikely Corners Back Home

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Al Gore Was Right!

Except for a tiny circle around the pole, NSIDC is showing that the Arctic is indeed ice-free in 2013.   N_daily_extent.png (420×500)

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Obama To Give The US Its First Health Care

“I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick” Obama – June 3, 2008 About 90-120 … Continue reading

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Toughening Up America’s Image

Obama wants Marines to wear ‘girly’ hats | New York Post Putin is shaking in his boots h/t to Dave G

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Shock News : A Sane Person In Santa Fe

Letters to the editor, Oct. 24, 2013 – The Santa Fe New Mexican: Letters To Editor

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No Change In Darwin Temperatures For 130 Years

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Sydney Almost As Warm As 100 years Ago

According to CRU, temperatures around Sydney have been declining for the past decade, and are not as warm as they were a century ago.

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Shock News : Australia’s Climate Has Never Been Stable

Long before the hockey stick, Australia was alternating between drought and flood. 13 Oct 1868 – THE CLIMATE OF AUSTRALIA.

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BBC Features Heroin Addict Calling For Massive Redistribution Of Wealth

Speaking to Newsnight, he suggested that politicians were only interested in “serving the needs of corporations” and that an administrative system based on the “massive redistribution of wealth” should replace the status quo. BBC News – Russell Brand: ‘I’ve never … Continue reading

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