56% Of The US Below Normal Temperatures So Far This Year

Al Gore forgot to mention this.

ScreenHunter_1793 Oct. 23 23.12

YearTDeptUS.png (688×531)

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to 56% Of The US Below Normal Temperatures So Far This Year

  1. Eric Simpson says:

    Meanwhile… Antarctica Is Seeing Record Sea Ice:

    Antarctic sea ice in late September hit a 35-year record high in total volume exceeding the previous record set a year ago in 2012 during September. Records on Antarctic sea ice began in October of 1978.

    Similar growth of continental land ice

    Scientists have likewise witnessed a similar growth of the continental land ice, particularly in the eastern half of Antarctica. Plus, Antarctic cold fronts have been pushing much farther north than usual during the winter months, sometimes actually reaching areas of South America north of the Equator.

    Coldest and snowiest in more than 200 years

    This past winter across much of South America was one of the coldest and snowiest winter seasons on record dating back, in some cases, more than 200 years. Parts of northern Argentina, Paraguay and southeastern Brazil saw their first measurable snowfalls in at least a century. A hard freeze last month in central Argentina killed at least 22 percent of the 2013 winter wheat crop. Australia and New Zealand likewise had colder than normal winter temperatures as did parts of South Africa, where ‘rare’ snowfalls fell in Johannesburg. Credit also: http://iceagenow.info/2013/10/antarctica-record-sea-ice/

  2. Andy Oz says:

    Al Gore is from another planet.

  3. gator69 says:

    Below average, a recent average.

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