A Changing Climate

Climate used to be defined by 15 years of temperature trend, and they used to lecture us that weather is not climate.

Now “climate change” is defined by any unpleasant weather event, based on the assumption that the target audience is too stupid to know that there has always been bad weather.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to A Changing Climate

  1. Andy Oz says:

    This is what happens if we let a bunch of morons, just like the climate alarmists, take us in a direction we really shouldn’t go. It ends up a horror story.

  2. R. de Haan says:

    Totally nuts

  3. Andy please don’t link to Wikipedia. Please. That’s the dirty word in this.

    Wikipedia. A free encyclopedia, edited by anybody with a 0th grade education in no studies, and which is funded by the left wing of the communist party.

  4. Ok I read it. Cornelisz is Obama. All right.

  5. They also switched from talking about evidence to using phrases such as “consistent with”. As in “those crop circles are consistent with UFO landings.”

  6. gator69 says:

    He who controls the language controls thought.

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