A Few Obama Highlights From 2013

  • Lied about Libya
  • Lied about Syria
  • Lied about Egypt
  • Lied about the climate
  • Lied about health care
  • Lied about the debt
  • Lied about the IRS
  • Lied about the NSA
  • Lied about the economy
  • Lied about gun running
  • Lied about arming terrorists
  • Lied about closing Guantanamo
  • Lied about Snowden
  • Lied about Republicans
  • Lied about climate skeptics

Progressives love this guy, because they hate themselves and Obama hates them too.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to A Few Obama Highlights From 2013

  1. NikFromNYC says:

    “If you are nice to them, you are presumed to be worth even less. They hold themselves in such low esteem, they can’t respect you if you would know them. Why are some people like that?” – Federico Fellini (I, Fellini, 1995)

  2. Hugh K says:

    Yes we con!

  3. ralphcramdo says:

    He lied to Oprah too!

  4. Kepler says:

    He does occasionally tell the truth. But it only happens when he thinks no one is listening.

    The same is true with this guy who is shown here making an endearing comment about his friend and hero.

  5. Andy OZ says:

    The leader of the free world is a sociopath and Manchurian Candidate. He sets a great example to other small minded progressives world wide who want to force everyone else to live their lives in a certain way and at the same time act exactly the opposite. How strange it is when Russia and China seem more authentic than the US. You guys need an election. Congress should grow some.

  6. tom0mason says:

    You can always tell what phase he want his follows to use as he prefixes with a certain line –


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