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Alarmists Making It Up As They Go Along
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‘Gestapo’ tactics meet senior citizens at Yellowstone
Notice the comments?
Bruce Montross actually said “…They have to follow orders they don’t personally agree with and they are probably handling hundreds of people like you…” and continued with
“…It also might be that you are tea party dweebs or republicans trying to make a lame point….”
“Only following orders”, now where have I heard that before, and even then it was not a valid defense?
Lord Darth Obama commands everyone on and downwind from federal lands stop breathing his air until after the government shutdown.
Well that was before all the heat, and therefore mild weather, secretly hid in the deep oceans,…er…somewhere…
Everything is consistent with climate change in the muddled minds of the obsessive-compulsive alarmists.
Reblogged this on CACA and commented:
In the year 2000, CRU climate ‘expert’ Dr David Viner told us that within a few years winter snowfall will become “a very rare and exciting event” and that “Children just aren’t going to know what snow is.”
The first step toward globalization of all nations under the United Nations was this comment from Robert Oppenheimer in 1945:
“I Am Become Death, Destroyer of Worlds.”
Here’s a one-page summary of the impact on society, sixty-eight years later:
Here is a summary of the experimental observations ignored:
So, this from the IPCC? “Milder Winter Temperatures will Decrease heavy Snowstorms”
Funny… You’ve covered this, Steve, and now ICECAP has this article from 10/07/13: “Snow season off to a roaring start”
“The winter snow season is off to a roaring start. A record fall snowstorm hit the Black Hills Friday and Saturday with up to 48 inches of snow at Deadwood and winds that reached 71 mph at Ellsworth AFB.”
Guess the winter temperatures are no longer mild…
Faith requires no logic.
Freedman could be buried up to his head in snow… In Florida… Yet still rant on about Global Warming…. That’s why they changed it to “Climate Change”… Covers everything… Last week was hot and dry, this week is cloudy cool and windy… Any flood, drought, fire, blizzard, tornado, hurricane, … Everything… Even violence now covered by “Climate Change”…
For a libtard warmist the measure of one’s devotion to “science” is determined by their willingness to conform to warmist line in the face overwhelming physical evidence to the contrary. There is basically nothing that could ever happen that would challenge Freedman’s belief in so-called “climate change.”
I seem to recall some heavy snow back in ’72…probably Nixon’s fault.