Antarctic Sea Ice Above Normal For 677 Consecutive Days

A couple of years ago Walt Meier lectured me that Antarctic sea ice doesn’t matter – because the positive anomalies only occurred during the winter when there is no sun.

ScreenHunter_1260 Oct. 04 07.53

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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20 Responses to Antarctic Sea Ice Above Normal For 677 Consecutive Days

  1. Latitude says:

    Walt hates to admit that if 60 south, was 60 north…
    half of Canada and all of Alaska would be covered in ice

  2. jmrsudbury says:

    Only 53 days left until we hit 2 years of above normal.

  3. X says:

    Thanks Steve for showing the real facts, for people that want to make up their minds about climate based on *reality* instead of (pseudo-scientific) *models*.

  4. Avery Harden says:

    You would have to be curious enough to search it out on your own, I don’t have time to do it for you; but it is quite fascinating to read why expanding sea in Antarctica actually is an indication of warming and not cooling. Counter intutitive and thats tough for some of you, but seek out the explanation anyway. it is fascinating. Expanding sea ice, verses the mass of ice on the continent, is no more proof of cooling than Steve’s photo of Greenland after a snow fall calling it the “recovery” of the glacers. It’s white, thats close enough, lets call it a recovery. By the way Steve, is your position that we are cooling or that the warming is natural? It can’t be both.

    • Go make some ice cubes in your microwave.

    • Latitude says:

      Avery is saying it’s another climate model FAIL…
      …they didn’t predict that

    • PJ London says:

      It is very simple, the hot water has all sunk to the bottom of the oceans, leaving cold water on top, which obviously turns to ice more quickly.

    • Ben says:


      You speculative attribution is bass-ackwards when compared to the research. Ice formation drives salinity change.

      “Water column salinities lower than in 2000 have been reported beneath the McMurdo Ice Shelf on the south side of Ross Island in 2003 and attributed to heavy sea ice cover and large icebergs in the region just prior to their observations (Robinson et al. 2010).”

      In 50 years, the Antarctic sea ice freezing point changed by 0.009 degrees C. Even less if we compare starting at the NSIDC standard of 1979. The temperature variation along the increased ice front far exceeds 0.009 variability, therefore salinity changes cannot explain the increased ice.

      “…in 50 yr, close to the change that would be expected in the sea surface freezing point (0.009 degrees C) for the observed salinity decline of 0.15 over the same 50 years period. That increase would not add to ocean freshening…”

      Did you read that? The increase of 0.009 degrees WOULD NOT add to ocean freshening.

      • Avery Harden says:

        I read it twice. The salinity stuff is complicated. I’m trying to understand. But I do understand that the Antarctic sea ice discussion is a distraction from the more important discussion of the Antarctic land ice. The sea ice melts back to its original starting point each summer and is not overly relevant to the global warming issue.
        The Arctic sea is very relevant because it reflects sunlight back out into space. Without the ice, the Arctic ocean absorbs sunlight and gets even warmer, with who knows what feedback effects.
        Antarctica land mass and pennisula ice is gaining in some areas, but overall is losing ice. That becomes new mass in the oceans to contribute to sea level rise.

        • gator69 says:

          “In 1991-2005 Professor Mörner was head of Paleogeophysics & Geodynamics at Stockholm University, in 1999-2003 president of the commission on Sea Level Changes and Coastal Evolution, from 2000 on leader of the Maldives International Sea Level Project, in 1997-2003 coordinator of the INTAS project on Geomagnetism and climate, and in 2008,he was awarded the “Golden Condrite of Merit” from Algarve University “for his irreverence and contribution to our understanding of sea level change”.

          In 1999, I was expert reviewer of the chapter on Sea Level Changes in the IPCC report. I was struck and shocked by two facts; one was that none of the 22 authors was classified as a true sea level specialist, and the other was the very low quality of the text. Because, I had been just elected president of the International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA) commission on Sea Level Changes and Coastal Evolution, I took up the main issue in our commission, an organization hosting some 300-400 true sea level specialists from all around the world. We had the question of sea level prediction for year 2100 open for inter-commissional networking and for discussions at five international meetings. Our best estimate was + 10 cm ±10 cm by year 2100 (lNQUA, 2000). This was significantly lower than the estimates by IPCC (2001). Later, I revised it to +5 cm ±15 cm. This implies that there is a wide difference between estimates from models (IPCC, 2001) and estimates from observational facts.”

          Facts, not speculation.

      • Glacierman says:

        What latitude is Arctic Sea ice located at and what is the angle of reflection? What latitude is Antarctic Sea Ice located at and is that angle the same or different from the Arctic?

    • Ben says:


      Your speculative attribution doesn’t meet reality.

      ” If the temperature and salinity analyses were true, non-steric components would be significantly large in the southern oceans (Fig. 6). However, there is no answer to this at present, including spatial distributions of non-steric components. Further investigation is needed” (Ishii et al 2006)

    • Andy Oz says:

      What a load of shyte, Avery. More sea ice is caused by warming air temperatures? That explains the icebergs in the Sahara then. And I was under the impression that shyte came out of the tail and not the head of a person. Silly me.

  5. Jason Calley says:

    See Guys! SEE!! The CAGW crowd warned us that Antarctic ice would not be normal, AND IT ISN’T!!! IT’S NOT NORMAL!!! Stupid sceptics… I dare you to explain THAT!!!

    (sarc off)

  6. Rational says:

    When you argue with a fool, it’s 2 fools arguing!

  7. T says:

    Lemme grab a glass and some scotch. Be right back before you can say carbon taxes for everyone.

  8. Chewer says:

    Holy hemorrhoidal uproar, said the homo!
    “Its much worse than we thought!
    The upper troposphere is cooling, not warming, the land masses aren’t warming, as of this morning, 63% of the planetary water cover is cooling and has been cooling for 19 months.
    The sun is going to sleep, the C02 is slightly rising and the IMF (inter-planetary magnetic field) and the earth’s magnetic field are in a slow collapse, but we’re talking about AGW???

  9. Izzy says:

    There may be more of it in area but it’s much thinner than it used to be ……..

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