Arctic Ice Almost Identical To 2002



Arctic Sea-Ice Monitor

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Arctic Ice Almost Identical To 2002

  1. Lance says:

    where’s Reggie when we need him to get his blow torch out…

  2. gregole says:

    You know, I kind of miss those ignorant warmista; you know, Arctic melting “consistent with a warming planet“, and (one of my favorites), “loaded dice” you know with the Man-Made CO2 and all – you know the dice are like, loaded. That has to some kind of post-normal “high science” – “loaded dice”; man I missed that one in engineering school. Loaded dice. Right. Excuse me a second; I have to point and laugh; ok I’m back.

    Elementary logic seems to escape these fools. Has it occurred to them that Arctic ice extent, besides being dependent on factors as varied as ocean temperatures/currents, storms, and yes, global temperatures which believe it or not vary meaning ups as well as downs; meteorological events et al and that any and all of these push ice extent up down and all around and have since we ever noticed which is a blink of an eye in geologic time; and further, if the so called “loaded dice” were so powerful, gosh with CO2 at alarmingly high, dangerously Man-Made high, shouldn’t, of course all things being equal, (these equal things not mentioned, quantified, or even remotely understood) the ice be all gone by now? No? Hmmmmm. Man-Made CO2 up; ice up; hmmmm?

    I am not convinced the weak-minded chatterbox warmista even get as far, intellectually as “Hmmmm”.

    To that I can only say “Hmmmmm….”

  3. Andy Oz says:

    When the Global Sea Ice hits an all time record (ie since 1979), which could happen in the next month or so, the Warmista’s will be in a barbwire mainstream canoe. Of course they’ll deny it or say its freakish weather, but the people are not listening anymore……and are repealing carbon taxes.

  4. PJ London says:

    As a kid, we used Carbon Dioxide to keep things (like ice cream) cold. “Dry ice, sometimes referred to as “cardice” or as “card ice” (chiefly British English), is the solid form of carbon dioxide. It is used primarily as a cooling agent.” OMG CO2 is cooling the planet.
    Do you think that they got the wrong kind of CO2?

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