Arctic Sea Ice Controlled By Winter Winds

One of the biggest lies of the global warming scam is that Arctic sea ice has declined because warming Arctic temperatures are melting it.

This is utter nonsense. Summers in the Arctic have been getting cooler. The warming which occurred from the mid-1970s until a few years ago occurred during the winter, and the vast majority of the ice loss also occurred during the winter.

The NSIDC graphic below shows how almost all of the five+ year old ice was pushed out into the North Atlantic during the winters from 1988 to 1996. This coincided with the most positive ENSO period on record.


The disaster for alarmists is that the winds have reversed and are pushing the ice towards the Pacific side, which is driving the massive recovery in the amount of Arctic sea ice – up 60% from last summer.

Unless something changes with the winds, Arctic sea ice will continue to grow during the next few years.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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15 Responses to Arctic Sea Ice Controlled By Winter Winds

  1. Latitude says:

    and those same winds bring warmer air at the same time

  2. X says:

    “…The NSIDC graphic below shows how almost all of the five+ year old ice was pushed out into the North Atlantic during the winters from 1988 to 1996. This coincided with the most positive ENSO period on record…”
    as shown in the table below,
    The 2 strongest Nino’s since 1950 happened in 1982 and 1997, with other “smaller” ones on 1986-87, 1992 and 1994. All these episodes were strong, with maximum anomalies above 1.5 C, except the 1994 episode which was short with maximum 1.2 C.
    Now, if we understand that solar radiations were during the XX century at it’s highest peak in nearly 8,000 years,
    may be we we’ll start to understand that it’s all part of a normal cycle, most probably the fact that we’re at the beginning of a new Bond event etc.,

  3. Avery Harden says:

    Tell that to the folks in northern Alaska learning to deal with the new reality of a soggy tundra.

    • What bullshit. Alaska just had their shortest summer on record. Nenana ice breakup was the latest on record.

    • Latitude says:

      northern Alaska??
      it didn’t even thaw out this year!

      • X says:

        Good point, I believe Alaska will get colder (in the coming cooling climate) first than Siberia,
        ” … “mariners locked out of the Bering Sea this spring by record ice growth.” “In the first decade since 2000, the 49th state cooled 2.4 degrees Fahrenheit. That’s a “large value for a decade,” say scientists G. Wendler, L. Chen and B. Moore of the Alaska Climate Research Center at the University of Alaska Fairbanks… “

        The present position of the Arctic ice on the west will probably favor this trend.
        It probably happened also, similarly, in the last Arctic recovery (during the WWII years)… but I could be wrong because Siberia has a larger land area.

    • Stewart Pid says:

      Are you a total idiot Avery … do some reading about the past thaws and then report back to the board. The active surface layer of permafrost is always melting in the summer … have you ever taken any geography courses etc?

  4. X says:

    “Unless something changes with the winds, Arctic sea ice will continue to grow during the next few years.”
    The trend of ENSO after 2005 has changed to more La Nina’s than El Nino’s and the amplitudes have become smaller, as expected with less radiations coming from the Sun.
    Therefore, not only the winds are more favorable now but the temperatures are getting colder (as happens when the frequency of La Nina’s increases), therefore Steve’s conclusion that
    “Unless something changes with the winds, Arctic sea ice will continue to grow during the next few years.”
    is very precise and I’d add only that solar radiations are giving a very bright and clear “green sign” for the Arctic ice to continue to grow in the years ahead.

  5. Crashex says:

    The high ocean temps that resulted from the ENSO’s circulation toward the Arctic were in 2003-2006. The Arctic has been cooling that relatively warmer water down in fits and starts since then. I think 2013 is the year that showed that the cooling cycle was completed.

    The dramatic increase in 4-5 year ice this year, check out the October 2013 plot, is the result of a stronger Gyre recirculating the ice pack instead of pushing it out the Fram Strait. This has moved the “center of gravity” of the ice pack back toward the Pacific side of the region and positioned the pack to return to a more normal distribution of older ice, largely away from the Fram Strait drain. We’ll see next year if it was a one year rebound or the end of the recent trend. The recent cool PDO cycles and the waning sun would both also point toward more ice next year.

    No alarmist would have thought a 1.5 mil rebound this year was even possible. Another big step up will make their head’s explode.

  6. GeologyJim says:

    In this morning’s edition of the Daily Cageliner, you have to laugh at the obfuscations from the NSIDC weasel-word tag-team of Stroeve and Serreze

    Mark-y says “This year, the cryosphere got a little bit of a breather”. Yeah, I’ve got 2-3 inches of cryosphere all over my tomatoes.
    Then he doubles down on stupid, “We’re looking at losing that summer sea ice cover certainly in this century, and possibly in the next few decades”

    Serreze was previously absolutely certain that the summer sea ice would be all gone by … … [wait for it] … 2013. At least his latest “prediction” will post-date his retirement by several decades.

    • I sent this to the author of that POS


      You might want to look at this graph from the Danish Meteorological Institute

      Arctic ice extent is up more than 60% since last year, and is the highest in seven years.

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