August Shock News : Very Active Hurricane Season Ahead – Five Major Hurricanes On The Way

Government experts forecast record heat, record drought, record Arctic ice melt and record hurricanes in 2013. Their complete failure to get anything right has led them to increase their confidence levels to 95%.

ScreenHunter_1612 Oct. 18 07.53ScreenHunter_1613 Oct. 18 07.54

NOAA UPDATE: ‘Very Active’ Hurricane Season Possible –

ScreenHunter_1614 Oct. 18 07.57

Weather Street: 2013 Atlantic Hurricanes and Tropical Storms

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to August Shock News : Very Active Hurricane Season Ahead – Five Major Hurricanes On The Way

  1. By the way, it’s nearly November. As us sailors who ply the Caribbean know all too well, November is the end of Hurricane Season. And seriously, there’s no way to reason with hurricane season. It either is, or it ain’t.


  2. squid2112 says:

    Oh come on now … they used the word “possible” … just like it is “possible” that monkeys will fly out my butt …

  3. squid2112 says:

    I am betting that we actually have had 5 major hurricanes, but since they were of the new category 6 variety, and we don’t yet have instruments to measure Cat. 6 canes, we simply didn’t see them.

  4. Tmitsss says:

    Again let me point out that if you add the catagory numbers for all 2013 Hurricanes you don’t get to 6

  5. Tom Harley says:

    It’s a travesty. Here in Oz, the BoM are forecasting 11 cyclones this coming season, I hope they are right but i don’t expect more than 6 or 7. We need plenty of cyclones across the north to bring our usual summer rainfall.

  6. Lawrie Ayres says:

    And who is holding them to account?????? Just like in Australia the experts spruik their terror and next year they are asked by the same journalists what we can expect and never asked why last years forecast was so wrong. We are surrounded by idiots.

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