Ban Assault Environmentalists

Prior to the invention of DDT, Americans were 500 times more likely to die of Malaria than the current odds of being killed by a rifle.

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About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Ban Assault Environmentalists

  1. Chewer says:

    That is hilarious to the max – Thanks Steven!
    Following the prohibition of DDT, Progressives were 500 times more likely of death by a rifle than the current odds of being killed by Malaria -:)

  2. Eric Barnes says:

    The misanthropes are more fond of mosquitoes than their fellow humans. If anyone deserves an oven it is them.

  3. Bob Knows says:

    Back before DDT was invented we had a bad bedbug problem in the US. Then for almost 50 years bedbugs were almost unheard of in the US. But immigrants are no longer required to go to Ellis Island to be debugged, and “environmental” wackos have banned all effective pesticide. If you know someone with bedbugs, tell them to thank a liberal. Yes, liberal is a mental disease.

  4. margaret berger says:

    You can add head lice to the bed bugs.

  5. averyharden says:

    There would be very little wildlife left with you guys in charge. The Eagles would be gone for sure. There would be fewer humans around as well with polluted drinking water. Used properly, it is still the best mosquito control in the third world. But that is a big if. I don’t think many Americans would take you up on using DDT for bed bug control.

    • Ben says:

      RE: AveryHarden – “The Eagles would be gone for sure.”

      Glenn Frey and Don Henley report no ill effects from DDT. Randy Meisner couldn’t be reached for comment.

      • averyharden says:

        Reminds me of my father and the generation of farmers that saw pesticides as a miracle. They were a miracle in increasing food production. But it took a generation to learn that they could also be toxic. My father would read the label and then double the amount the directions said. He felt as though if it didn’t kill you right away, it was harmless. I have always felt his early death had something to do with his cavalier use of pesticides.

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