Benedict Jumps Back Into The Spotlight

McCain is like Obama – rips everything apart and then calls for unity.

ScreenHunter_1697 Oct. 20 14.31

McCain seeks united Republican front against Obamacare as Cruz fights on | World news |

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Benedict Jumps Back Into The Spotlight

  1. Okie says:

    I know an SNCO who was part of a flight crew ferrying McCain and others around Europe. McCain wanted to divert to Israel for Christmas, but the crew was instructed by the Pentagon the threat level was too high. The SNCO delivered the news to McCain, who swung a punch at him for his efforts. The man is certifiably crazy.

  2. ralphcramdo says:

    Between Palin, McCain, and Obama I really think Palin would have made a better president.

    • gator69 says:

      And Romney lost. Go figure.

    • Blade says:

      Between Palin, McCain, and Obama I really think Palin would have made a better president.

      That’s for sure. She was the most pro-Constitution and demonstrated most familiarity with the point of the Constitution and the Founders and the concept of America. Not to mention she was actually Constitutionally qualified, unlike DingleBarry, and possibly McCain and Romney who are both in a gray area.

      Naturally that means she would need to be most attacked by the (D)ummycrats and (R)epublicrats, which she was and continues to be. Palin makes a great bellwether to flush out the domestic enemies. It is there greatest fear that a Reagan or Palin type candidates make it to Washington in any capacity because they might undo the damage they have done unchecked for an entire century..

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