Busy Month For The Religion Of Peace

ScreenHunter_1308 Oct. 09 06.07

Islam: Making a True Difference in the World – One Body at a Time

Obama is sending lots of weaponry to these folks, while disarming law abiding US citizens, and occupying the National Parks with heavily armed paramilitaries.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Busy Month For The Religion Of Peace

  1. gator69 says:

    “There are 44 conflicts around the world between Muslims and non-Muslims, regardless of what nationality these non-Muslims are, or what language they speak, what passport they hold, or what region of the world they live in. 44 conflicts. Look what’s happening in Djibouti. Look what’s happening in Chad, what’s happening in Mauritania. Americans don’t even look at these countries. It’s not even on our radar screen. So a war has been declared on the West by radical Islamists who want to bring back the Islamic Caliphate.”


    • gator69 says:

      After 78 dead and 100 wounded just 2 weeks ago.

      “The small and largely impoverished Christian community suffers discrimination in overwhelmingly Muslim-majority Pakistan but bombings against them are extremely rare.”

      Well, as long as they are rare, and the discrimination is against an impoverished minority I guess it’s OK.

      • joekano76 says:

        No doubt you share my concern for the Christian Palestinians who are impoverished and discriminated against by their Israeli masters? I just think some perspective needs to be maintained.

        • The Christian population of Israel has quadrupled over the last 60 years

          The discriminatory treatment of Christians by the Muslim majority and the consequences of continuing Arab hostility towards the state of Israel have led to increasing migration from the West Bank and Gaza, the areas controlled by Muslims. Christians in those two areas now account for only about 40,000, 1.5 per cent of the total. The towns of Ramallah and Bethlehem, which depended on the Christian tourist and pilgrim trade, both lost their Christian majorities. In 1995, the number of Christians in Bethlehem was two-thirds of the population; today it is now less than 20 percent. According to the1947 census held by the British there were 28,000 Christians in Jerusalem; in 1967 after 19 years of Jordanian rule there were 11,000. By contrast, the number of Christians in Israel has increased from 34,000 in 1949 and 120,000 in 1995 to over 150,000, now numbering about nine percent of the Israeli Arab population, and two percent of the total population in all of Israel.


        • gator69 says:

          It is not the Jews that are the cause of Christian suffering, it is the Arabs who claim the title of ‘Palestinian’, who cause all the grief endured within those borders. The Jews have tried repeatedly to negotiate with those murderous Arabs, who do not want peace. Arafat was offered virtually every one of his demands, and decided perpetual war was a better option.

          I once was naive, and thought that the Jews were being unreasonable. Then I started thinking for myself and learned to ignore the anti-Semite press corpse and the Jew hating leftists.

        • joekano76 says:

          I carefully didn’t mention the jews. But now you bring them into the discussion along with the hysterical ‘anti-semite’ smear, I know you haven’t got a leg to stand on.

        • tom0mason says:


  2. gator69 says:

    “I carefully didn’t mention the jews. But now you bring them into the discussion along with the hysterical ‘anti-semite’ smear, I know you haven’t got a leg to stand on.”

    You ‘carefully’ smeared the only real democracy in the Middle East, and anti-Semite is not hysterical and is not a smear, it is a description. Try your nonsense on a site where lemmings like yourself abide.

  3. Jelle R says:

    As an European citizen I can tell you, it’s getting worse every day. We need your help soon..

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