Cast Of Characters, Part 2

ScreenHunter_1124 Sep. 30 19.12

This is the innocence of youth, being preyed on by a scumbag who is still angry about losing the 2000 presidential election. She is waking up from a nasty bump on the head, and realizing that the coming storm was just a nightmare.

The little furry one is me. My role is to pull the curtain back and expose the fake Wizard of GISS.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Cast Of Characters, Part 2

  1. Lance says:

    like it!!!

  2. limogerry says:

    Gotta have fun, else the tornado of controversy and contention will make you dizzy!

  3. Rex says:

    I can hear Al Gore singing “If I only had a brain”.

  4. Bloke down the pub says:

    And all this time I thought your page header was a reference to the friends of Dorothy.

  5. phodges says:


    The original was meant to pull the curtain back and expose the fake Wizard of FED.

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