Celebrating Five Years Of Obama’s New Era Of Cooperation And Prosperity

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05 Nov 2008

“We hope to achieve together an ambitious agenda for globalisation: overcoming the financial crisis promoting growth and opportunity for all and fighting climate change.”

Mr Barroso will be joining other EU and global leaders for a summit to reshape global financial institutions with both President Bush and President Elect Obama in Washington next week.

“We need a ‘New Deal’ between the US and the EU. A ‘New Deal’ that covers financial stability, the fight against climate change, global prosperity, including open trade,” the Commission President said

European Union: Barack Obama ‘will bring new era of international co-operation’ – Telegraph

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Celebrating Five Years Of Obama’s New Era Of Cooperation And Prosperity

  1. kbray in california says:

    José Manuel Barroso is his Portuguese name.
    Translated to English it’s Joe Bozo.

  2. Jeffk says:

    The more centralized the powers become, the more likely the fall will come.
    Our founders knew this and deliberately divided up powers in three branches and among the state and local gov’ts. They warned about foreign entanglements.
    Now just look at how the EU is doing only a few short years after increasing centralization. And for the US to be an example they would follow? Hasn’t European history taught them ANYTHING ??

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