Changing Climate Belts

Experts have been telling us for years that northern hemisphere climate belts are shifting north. And now it is happening.

Here in Colorado we are having Thanksgiving weather in mid-October. This is exactly what the experts forecast, as it is Thanksgiving in Canada today. Our climate has shifted north across the border.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Changing Climate Belts

  1. Latitude says:

    well something is going on up there….our winter birds are here already…and we never see them until right before Christmas

  2. Haan says:

    In the South of German we received the earliest and highest amount of snow since records were kept 220 years ago. At the same time ZDF was broadcasting an alarmist documentary that made the claim for warmer winters.

    Nothing is more convincing than Mother nature and a weather report proving them wrong.
    Today they’re digging a deeper grave with every alarmist claim they make.

    Their propaganda is failing.

  3. Mohatdebos says:

    Have you asked your friend Kathryn Hayhoe (sp?) lately about the status of the permanent drought in Texas? I hear they are receiving a lot of the liquid kind lately.

  4. eqibno says:

    Here in the Great White North, we have enjoyed 6 weeks of sunny and seasonably warm weather. Sadly it was preceded by 8 weeks of the worst (coolest, wettest etc,) summer that I can remember. (50+ years)
    Weather may not be climate but climate is made up of weather.
    Over the long-term, we see the cycles of nature and we either learn from them or they teach us a valuable lesson about paying attention to reality.
    No computer model will suffice.

  5. Eric N. WY says:

    Permanent drought update for Colorado via snotel and the snow water equivalent:

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