Congratulations To New Mexico For Re-Electing Obama

Seniors in New Mexico used to be able to buy health insurance for $190. Thanks to their re-electing Obama, it now costs them $494 – for an inferior product.

ScreenHunter_1693 Oct. 20 14.02 ScreenHunter_1692 Oct. 20 14.01

Manhattan Institute – The ObamaCare Impact

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Congratulations To New Mexico For Re-Electing Obama

  1. gator69 says:

    I seem to have forgotten. Who is it that is pushing granny off a cliff?

  2. Chuck says:

    I can tell you they are very proud of electing this scumbag. Im sure you know as a former NM resident

  3. Chewer says:

    Gotta love those spectacular voter turn out numbers (-:

  4. Blade says:

    Seniors in New Mexico used to be able to buy health insurance for $190. Thanks to their re-electing Obama, it now costs them $494 – for an inferior product.

    There is some irony here too. All these increases are necessary for the FedGov to have liquid cash available for redistribution to those 40 million so-called “non-insured” people. Marxist Socialism literally by definition.

    The irony is that this non-insured group that now get an entitlement will include illegal aliens, kids, babies, students, almost all are young! So we have the inverse of Socialist Security in effect here where old folks, who are often very happy to collect SS checks paid by young workers, even exceeding every single inflation adjusted penny they ever put in ( and especially the case of women who never worked a day that contributed nothing ), are paying money directly to the young!

    Like the Oracle in the Matrix said: “What’s really going to bake your noodle is …” when we consider that this payment from old to young will come from the old folks SS checks which themselves were a cash payment from other young workers. That’s quite a Ponzi scheme we got going here. Young to old and back to young. All the same cash, there is no new wealth. It almost looks as if it is designed that way on purpose to appease the leftist user base.

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