Constitutional Rights Officially Cancelled In California

Police execute a child for carrying a toy gun.

ScreenHunter_1778 Oct. 23 13.42

California Sheriff’s Deputies Shoot, Kill 13-Year-Old

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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16 Responses to Constitutional Rights Officially Cancelled In California

  1. Stewart Pid says:

    Saw this on the link and thought it interesting.

    1. Ft Hood~~~ Registered Democrat ~ Muslim

    2. Columbine ~~~ Too young to vote; both families were registered Democrats and progressive liberals.

    3. Virginia Tech ~~~ Wrote hate mail to President Bush and to his staff ~ Registered Democrat

    4. Colorado Theater ~~~ Registered Democrat; staff worker on the Obama campaign;
    Occupy Wall Street participant; & progressive liberal.

    5. Connecticut School Shooter- ~~~ Registered Democrat; hated Christians.

    Common thread is that all of these shooters were progressive liberal Democrats.

    • gator69 says:

      It goes much deeper…

      In 1863 a Democrat shot and killed Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States.
      In 1881 a left wing radical Democrat shot James Garfield, President of the United States who, later died from the wound.
      In 1963 a radical left wing socialist shot and killed John F. Kennedy, President of the United States.
      In 1975 a left wing radical Democrat fired shots at Gerald Ford, President of the United States.
      In 1983 a registered Democrat shot and wounded President Ronald Reagan.
      In 1984 James Huberty, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 22 people in a McDonalds restaurant.
      In 1986 Patrick Sherril, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 15 people in an Oklahoma post office.
      In 1990 James Pough, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 10 people at a GMAC office.
      In 1991 George Hennard, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 23 people in a Lubys cafeteria.
      In 1995 James Daniel Simpson, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 5 coworkers in a Texas laboratory.
      In 1999 Larry Asbrook, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 8 people at a church service.
      In 2001 a left-wing radical Democrat fired shots at the White House in a failed attempt to kill George W. Bush, President of the United States.
      In 2003 Douglas Williams, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 7 people at a Lockheed Martin plant.
      In 2007 a registered Democrat named Seung – Hui Cho shot and killed 32 people in Virginia Tech.
      In 2010 a mentally ill registered Democrat named Jared Lee Loughner shot Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and killed 6 others.
      In 2011 a registered Democrat named James Holmes went into a movie theater and shot and killed 12 people.
      In 2012 Andrew Engeldinger, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 7 people in Minneapolis.
      In 2013 a registered Democrat named Adam Lanza shot and killed 26 people in a school.

  2. jay352 says:

    Did you notice in the police pics that the muzzle was obscured so you couldn’t see if it was orange? When the photo is blown up it appears that the grass is growing from the part of the barrel that is also obscured.

  3. Latitude says:

    Just so we’re clear on this……this is the same California where the cops shot up two women delivering news papers and a guy going surfing….only because they were driving a pick up truck…different colors, make, and model

    • jay352 says:

      Give ’em a break. Like you said they were driving a truck and that is enough reason in itself.. Besides, anyone could mistake a 70 yr. old Asian woman for a 220 pound black man.

      • Latitude says:

        or a 13 yo kid….

        I”m sorry, they had too many other choices besides shooting….
        …they need to be hung up

        • jay352 says:

          Yeah, that is one of the worst. I can’t imagine losing a kid to a shooting like that.

        • Ernest Bush says:

          They are only suspended. After the news dies down they will probably be cleared of any wrongdoing and put back to work , as in most other similar cases. They probably are part of one of the police forces in the country trained to shoot without hesitation. One of the targets used in that training shows a young boy pointing a gun. If you don’t do what these thugs say to do you will be shot with ammunition designed to kill you as quickly as possible. People outdoors are being bullied and falsely charged every day for daring to have a gun showing. That you are breaking no laws is irrelevant.

  4. ralphcramdo says:

    Shoot first and ask questions later, especially if it’s a 13 year old.

  5. Don says:

    That’ll teach him.

    Non-lethal force weapons that shoot beanbags? No! Shoot the civilian first, ask questions later. We all have a target on us nowadays.

  6. Bob Knows says:

    The difference between that and the murder of an unarmed mother in DC by Odumbo’s Gestapo was that the Sheriff killed a boy for pretending to have a right to own and bear arms. Odumbo’s Gestapo chased down and murdered an unarmed woman just because she was there. Its “Hope and Change” in the Obamanation.

  7. Karl W. Braun says:

    A similar event took place in the Philippines a couple of years ago. There the officer was charged and convicted of reckless homicide.

  8. It’s called the precautionary principle.

  9. The child was probably listening to music and didn’t hear them in the 3 seconds they gave him to obey before they filled him full of holes. The gun doesn’t look real, and isn’t even the right size for the real thing. They are murderers.

  10. Blade says:

    California Sheriff’s Deputies Shoot, Kill 13-Year Old


    And yes, they will whitewash it as usual.

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