Correlating Global Temperature With CO2 In The 21st Century

ScreenHunter_1482 Oct. 14 08.42

The spectacular failure of their CO2 theory is reason why the criminals at the IPCC have progressively gained confidence up to 95%.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Correlating Global Temperature With CO2 In The 21st Century

  1. johnturmel says:

    Jct: Har har har. Temperature going down as CO2 going up!

  2. tom0mason says:

    Yes but if you model it then it all goes the other way, doesn’t avery?
    So the models must be correct and the measurements are wrong – isn’t that the way it works avery?
    After all the only thing to believe it the information that come out of computerized models and nothing else, eh avery?

  3. For a further proof that CO2 is a coolant over a span not merely for a decade but for thousands of years see FIg. 4 at the latest post at
    which also has a forecast of the timing and extent of the coming cooling

  4. Davol says:

    Yet over the years I’ve seen their theory creep into anthropology and other sciences so that we debate dinosaur extinctions caused by CO2 levels in the ancient past, which must also be discredited from BS’sing me when I watch my Science Channel.

  5. Cheshirered says:

    Cuttingly good graph. Ouch.

  6. Larry Fields says:

    Does CO2 cause global cooling?

    If one were to cherry-pick data from only the 21st Century, that would be a reasonable hypothesis. On the other hand, cherry-picking data from 1979 – 1998 would support the opposite hypothesis.

    My considered opinion is that the effect of increasing atmospheric concentrations of CO2 on global temperature is too small to measure at this stage of the game. The ‘signal’ is swamped out by the noise of natural variation.

    A timeless quote from Jennifer Marohasy:
    If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it.

    Steven, you’ve just hit a home run!

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