Data Tampering – It’s Not Just For Americans Any More

Good to see the Japanese jumping in to the climate data tampering act.


ScreenHunter_1436 Oct. 13 07.00

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Data Tampering – It’s Not Just For Americans Any More

  1. Kepler says:

    The Japanese are falling in line because the President was not born in Kenya or America as is commonly thought. He was actually born in the fishing village of Obama, Japan. Here he is on a recent visit back to his village. The residents welcomed home their favorite son with much celebration.

  2. Bob Greene says:

    Group think, herd instinct, belief in the “consensus” or the data adjustments need to be made. Who is tracking the data changes and acting as the keeper of the original data? Without the original data and a positive tracking system, we get to rewrite history 0.1°C at a time.

  3. tom0mason says:

    Nice to see that the Japanese understand that the measurements must be doctored before they are released, otherwise the climate model outputs look really bad.

  4. Have they stated their ‘pretext’ for the adjustments? TOA?

  5. omanuel says:

    A Japanese scientist won the Nobel Prize in 1949 for showing that the interactions between neutrons in the nucleus are ATTRACTIVE, and could not cause cores of uranium and plutonium to explode and destroy Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

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