Democrats Hope To Change America They Way They Have Changed Barry’s Home Town

ScreenHunter_1522 Oct. 14 20.52

Boy, 16, among victims of triple homicide: ‘I saw my twin laid out, bleeding’ –

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Democrats Hope To Change America They Way They Have Changed Barry’s Home Town

  1. redc1c4 says:

    and yet her other thug life offspring is standing there in a hoodie with an attitude.

    makes you wonder if there is some sort of connection between behavior & outcomes, don’t it?

  2. Sunsettommy says:

    Stop voting for Democrats 95% of the time.
    Stop complaining about Racism for everything.
    Finish School.
    Stop skipping school.
    Stop taking drugs and stay out of gangs.
    Stop hating whites so much.
    Stop listening to race pimps such as Al $harpton and Je$$ie Jack$on.
    Drop Rap and listen to Jazz music instead.

  3. Pathway says:

    Stop spreading your legs for any man that comes by.
    Start spreading your legs once you have a marriage license and a job.

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