Do Bears Pass Bowel Movements In Forested Areas?

Water Supply Cut Off After Man Urinates In Reservoir

A Portland, Oregon man urinated in a Mt. Tabor reservoir Wednesday causing the city to take it’s critical water supply off line and dump millions in gallons of water.

Water Supply Cut Off After Man Urinates In Reservoir « CBS Seattle

Good thing there aren’t 50 billion animals in the forest constantly passing bodily waste into the water supply.

h/t to Dave G

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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17 Responses to Do Bears Pass Bowel Movements In Forested Areas?

  1. ozspeaksup says:

    oooh this is in the top few contenders for mega stupid of the year awards!

  2. Kaboom says:

    The only people concerned with that should be homeopaths.

  3. Subconscious fear of aids, ebola, etc.. Or maybe not so subconscious. Whatever it is, fear reigns in Portland OR. And that they would dump all that water over that, would make me start drinking bottled water there (if they don’t trust their own water purification, why should anyone).

  4. Steve Keohane says:

    New EPA regulation, all fish must wear Depends.

  5. Sunsettommy says:

    “An administrator for the Water Bureau, David Shaff, said that because of this incident, roughly 7.8 million gallons of drinking water will be discarded. He said the bureau often finds dead animals in the same drinking supply but the water isn’t dumped.

    “This is different,” Shaff told the newspaper. “Do you want to drink pee?”

    Shaff continued by saying most people would be “squeamish” about drinking water that has been urinated in.”

    That was in the article.


  6. Latitude says:

    ..there are no fish in the Mt. Tabor reservoir

  7. All we are saying is give pee a chance.

  8. Kaboom I agree with you. Any homeopath can tell you, take one gram of pee, dilute it in 1 trillion gallons of water, and it’s still pee. Water has memory. I think Al Gore became a politician because he flunked out of homeopathy school.

  9. gator69 says:

    I guess they then will be draining all public pools.

  10. slimething says:

    Don’t birds instinctively avoid pooping in water reservoirs?

  11. SMS says:

    If a man pees in the ocean, do we dump the ocean? Where does all pee and poop go? It’s a downriver thingy. The next town always has bigger kids than the upstream town due to the greater number of “nutrients” in the water.

  12. Mike D says:

    What they should do is say they’re going to dump it, then just not do it. No medical problems will result and those who would be worried will sleep just fine.

    • Olaf Koenders says:

      Maybe it shouldn’t have been reported in the first place. Most people don’t know that pee is bacteria free, sans infection. Had the guy swum in the reservoir, many bacteria and skin cells would have been in the water, but no dumping. Dead and rotting animals? No dumping.

      Yes. The stupid, it burns.

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