Fewest 100 Degree Readings In A Century In The US

This year the US recorded the fewest 100º F readings of any year in the past century, and about one sixth as many as 1936.

ScreenHunter_1607 Oct. 18 06.28


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Fewest 100 Degree Readings In A Century In The US

  1. margaret berger says:

    There is a simple way to “fix” this. obama unveiled the solution yesterday. Stop listening to talk radio and reading blogs and no problem, there is no increase in arctic ice.

  2. Pathway says:

    You should only listen to the dictates of the “Little Dictator.”

  3. ed says:

    My name is Aljazeera Gore and I have just found out that all the global temperature stations have broken thermometers and that it is really hotter than ever before. I am now working on inventing new devices that will give the readings I need to support my statements.

  4. gator69 says:

    Looks like we fixed that UHI problem! Nothing to see here.

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