Five Years Of Obama Focusing Like A Laser On Jobs

Starting in January 2009, Obama and his aides promised repeatedly to “focus like a laser” on creating jobs.

As Economy Turns For The Worse, Obama’s ‘Laserlike’ Focus On Jobs Nowhere To Be Seen –

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to Five Years Of Obama Focusing Like A Laser On Jobs

  1. Traitor In Chief says:

    It’s a laser alright….like the Death Star…

  2. If you focus a laser properly it burns what it points at.

  3. The Iconoclast says:

    The President’s concerns about jobs and the middle class are election-time talking points. Nothing more.

    He’s said he believes that the unemployment is structural, that the unemployed can’t do the jobs that are available. So no need to be concerned about runaway government spending because that has nothing to do with it.

  4. gregole says:

    Has this individual actually ever held a job outside academia or government?

    Has he ever actually employed anyone as a private citizen engaged in commercial activity? No? Then how does he even have the faintest idea about actual job creation or even what a “job” is?

    It is a stunning indictment of the abysmal ignorance, apathy, and cynicism of the American electorate that this utter nincompoop was elected twice as president based apparently on his glamorous media appearances.

    We have the leadership we deserve. Sad really, that his incompetence so sorely increases the economic misery of minorities, the poor, and the young. To the limited degree that they vote; these groups have overwhelmingly supported Obama.

    Sad to say, sad; they have the leadership they deserve.

  5. gator69 says:

    “The study — from researchers Ted Gayer and Emily Parker — said the “Car Allowance Rebate System,” or CARS did little to boost employment. This is at least the fourth major study since 2012 that has raised questions about the value of the program.

    The study said far more jobs could have been created using other government stimulus programs — increasing unemployment benefits (at $95,000 per job); $80,000-$133,000 per job created for cutting employers’ payroll taxes; $222,000 per job created for reducing employees’ payroll taxes; $200,000 per job created for providing additional Social Security benefits; or $222,000 per job created for allowing the expensing of investment costs.”

    Take that 1.4 million per job, divide it by 50,000, and you would have paid 28 people the national median income for a year. Focus like a laser, or f@ck us like a loser.

    • Mike D says:

      It was not intended to help any employment other than the union workers at the car makers. GM and Chrysler were in bankruptcy at that time and had demand stayed weak, the unions would have ended up with worse contracts coming out of bankruptcy and fewer retained workers.

  6. mikegeo says:

    That laser is obviously a StarWars death laser. According to this review, there are now more citizens on govt assistance than are full time working !

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