Fill In The Blanks Of This Essay

_____ ______’s rise to power in ___ _______ is nothing less than astounding.  In a little over a year, one man completely manipulated an entire government and legal system to acquire a totalitarian regime.  What many are not aware of is how ______’s strategy arose.   _____ ______ abandoned his ideas that force was the sole solution in achieving complete control over _______.  His second attempt revolved around statutes and regulations.  By understanding and contorting the law ______ achieved sole political control and completely reorganized the ______ judiciary, all while under a blanket of legitimacy.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Fill In The Blanks Of This Essay

  1. zip adee says:

    Multiple choice answers: A) B Obama B) A Hitler C) All of the above

  2. Jason Hartzog says:

    Adolf Hussein Obama a.k.a. Buck Farack?

  3. Avery Harden says:

    Yea, he actually got the most votes, unlike that gerrymandered House that got fewer votes than the losing House Democrats.

  4. phodges says:

    Stalin or Mussolini too.

    It is the Fabian playbook.

  5. Richard Lynch says:

    It’s probably Hitler, but it also applies to Hugo Chavez.

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