Frightening CO2 Statistics

I have been taller than my average height for the last four decades, with the past decade tied for my tallest decade ever.

The odds of me being taller than my average height for 15,000 days in a row are a mind boggling two raised to the power of fifteen thousand. This has coincided with the most CO2 in the last few million years, proving that CO2 is warping the universe in weird and unexpected ways.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Frightening CO2 Statistics

  1. RealOldOne2 says:

    Have you seen this?
    Pathetic crony capitalism. No wonder doesn’t work! That would make a good post.

  2. We must initiate height mitigation at once–you go first, Indy.

  3. Bob Koss says:


    Are you sure your last decade is tied for your tallest decade ever? Could it be you have seen so many temperature adjustments you are using a similar methodology, only height-wise? πŸ™‚

    Can you still reach the back of that top shelf in the kitchen cabinet as easily as 20 years ago? I can’t, so I had my son measure my height a few months ago and find I must have been shrinking for quite a while. At age 67 I’m now about 1.5 inches shorter than my maximum height.

  4. Billy N.Z. says:

    Bob,you are most likely the same height,at 67 (as I am) maybe we Are just bent over a bit more.

    • Bob Koss says:

      Actually, I think it is likely caused by spinal compression over time, due to that pesky gravity I keep fighting. πŸ™‚ I can still stand with feet and shoulders touching the wall and have enough space to insert a hand between my lower back and the wall. About 12 lbs overweight with a potbelly. Don’t get much exercise tho’.

  5. Anthony Bremner says:

    Just noticed that the Arctic buoy site shows a temperature of -29C. Looking forward to the ice area being above normal this winter.

  6. Lance says:

    I recall someone (perhaps even Steve), whereby a house you have had for 20 years burns down….but on average your house is still there….!

  7. Andy Oz says:

    Shock News: World Wildlife Fund says there is a Carbon Bank and Australia is filling it up. We’re rich!!!!!!
    Mass sackings of Fairfax journalists earlier this year causes SMH to join the dumb and dumber media corpse. This story is a crock and not of the big lizard variety.

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