Funny Boner Joke

Two weeks ago the Republican leadership told Ted Cruz to shut up, and let the House leadership handle the Obamacare strategy.

I don’t think I have ever seen as big a flustercluck in my life as the Republican leadership just pulled off. It was a Shakespearean comedy – without the funny parts. You can’t make up stupidity like we saw on display in Washington.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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22 Responses to Funny Boner Joke

  1. Andy says:

    It has not made the Republican party look good, the outcome is fine, you didn’t default, but the way it was handled was poor. Looks like you will be going through the same procedure again next year also, so you can might have the same issues again unless you can decide a better way of doing it.


    • Default? The only danger of default was a stupidity default, and it was a complete collapse by the morons in charge.

      • gofer says:

        From a total of 44 US Presidents: Obama rated 5th best president ever.The Democratic publicity release said,”…after a little more than 5 years, Americans have rated President Obama the 5th best president ever.”

        The details…. according to White House Publicists:

        Reagan & Lincoln tied for 1st,
        23 presidents tied for 2nd,
        17 other presidents tied for 3rd,
        Jimmy Carter came in 4th, and
        Obama came in 5th.

      • I think that you are wrong, sir. President Obama was willing to do this intentionally. That is something new.

        ===|==============/ Keith DeHavelle

    • Mike D says:

      Yes, the same procedure in January/February in fact. And the reason is the Senate has never passed a budget while Obama has been President, even though that is required by law. Obama’s budget got zero votes because it is so crazy with spending that not even the Democrats have wanted to go on record voting for it. When is the last time you heard that in the media?

      The House has passed many budgets and the Senate hasn’t passed any, which is why there is a continuing resolution that can be set to expire at random times, rather than running the full year. The reason it was handled poorly is precisely because the Democrats won’t do what they need to and the law requires, yet they blame Republicans, and the media eats it up.

      Doesn’t help that Senators like McCain pile on, without having any plan of their own to do anything. I’m starting to understand why he didn’t win in 2008.

  2. gofer says:

    Default was just a myth, an outright lie. That’s why if it had gone past the “default” time then nothing would have happened and the left would have been shown to be liars. The Constitution requires the debt come first and there is more than enough money coming in to service the debt. I never heard one Republican refute that lie.

    • Traitor In Chief says:

      I’m with you on this with one caveat: The debt instruments are only a few years long. Large sums of money might come due when existing notes are retired.

      In an organized default, we could simply inform investors that their notes are being extended, at the exact same rate, whether they like it or not.

      But then, we have monkey business like this buying off RINOs.

      • Mike D says:

        With the debt, there’s a constant stream of different aged debt maturing throughout the year, from 1 month long, up to 30 years. Many entities roll them over into new debt, but the US Treasury market is enormous so anyone can get just about whatever they want on the open market. All that happens is there is less available directly from the Treasury at the auction if the debt limit is in play. The debt has actually been essentially frozen at the same level since May or so.

        The reason is the Treasury has not been funding the federal employee pension funds, which they can do for a limited time, plus some other measures to limit outflow.

        It’s widely believed that October 17th wasn’t the real date. Plus with the shutdown, the government did stop spending on some outside services, and tax receipts have been higher than forecast. Early November was believed to be the real period when hard cuts would have to be made, but probably due to having to cover debt redemption over other lower priority spending. Rather than a debt default, there would likely have been some group chosen not to receive payments, like veterans. That would have been horrible politically, but wouldn’t have been a debt default.

    • TeaPartyGeezer says:

      Obama would have defaulted.

      After seeing his other actions, during Sequestration and the CR debacle, what makes you think he would stop at default? The Constitution means nothing to him.

      He will stop at nothing to get his own way … and he would get away with it by blaming Republicans because he always gets away with it by blaming Republicans. Because the press would cover for him as they always do.

      And he is unimpeachable with Harry Reid and a Democrat-held Senate.

      You can’t negotiate with a man of dishonor … one who knows he can do whatever he wants and the press will back him up no matter how dishonorable he is.

    • averyharden says:

      The way you all talk about default reminds me of the way you talk about CO2, won’t hurt you; might even be good.

  3. Eric Simpson says:

    My hotair comment:

    The GOP is in serious danger of fracturing.

    This is major serious because we could lose the House in 2014 if the Tea Partiers and others decide to stay home or vote for divisive (but common) third candidates. And that could mean a free hand for Obama’s agenda of open borders and communal control of our economy and lives.

    As far as our presidential candidate, now more than ever we need to get a strong conservative candidate to unify conservatives, NOT a moderate to attract Democrats. Because a moderate like the climate change pushing Chris Christie or Rubio would crate a gargantuan “missing white vote” or missing Tea Party vote. The main issue is not going to be attracting a few stray Dems, but getting the greatest amount of party unity!

    Something needs to be done to unify the party before 2014.

    We could lose the House not because Dems or independents are upset with Republicans, but because Tea Partiers and other Republicans are upset with Republicans. Look, that was why Romney lost, because of this “missing white vote.” But Romney’s “missing white vote” might be a drop in the bucket in comparison to what the future could hold.

    A strong presidential candidate, emerging early (soon!), could do a lot to unify the GOP, like Palin or Cruz, if they are able to convince Tea Partiers and Paulites and others not to bolt. One strength of Palin is that she relates to the working class. That’s huge. No other R that I know can do that like she can.

    Also, with these bitter Tea Partier feelings of betrayal on the shutdown, it would be a disaster if the establishment, like Rino Ryan, pushes amnesty now. Talk about bad timing. Amnesty would be the last straw.

    But for a bit brightness on this dim night, an unusual positive spin is put on the seeming shutdown fiasco:

  4. Who cares about republicans – in the Bush era I couldn’t tell them apart from the Democrats.. they were the same pro-big government control-freak fools.

  5. tom0mason says:

    “It was a Shakespearean comedy – without the funny parts.”
    You mean it was a Shakespearean comedy!

  6. Lou says:

    I voted for Cruz and he did exactly what I expected him to do so that’s good enough. Finally had someone to represent me unlike RINOs.

  7. ralphcramdo says:

    I believe it was Mitch McConnell that said congress now has a lower rating than dog poop.
    Dog poop – 47%
    Congress – 40%

  8. R. de Haan says:

    This horse and pony show has cost us somewhere between 12 and 24 billion dollars and it only took a fe billion dollars to perk bribe the Reps into it.

    This government no longer represents the American People nor does it protect the US Constitution.

    Time to kick them out of office ASAP.

    No body asked for King George II.

  9. Fred from Canuckistan says:

    Obama wins, but now has to wear the ObamaCare Disaster Program.

    ObamaCare is going to be his boat anchor, his self inflicted wound.

    • Bob Greene says:

      A conspiracy theorist would note that the shut down/default/end of times kerfuffle happened about the same time as the Obamacare rollout and the media attention was not on Obmacare. Not being a conspiracy theorist, I’m sure it was fortuitous, same as the Marine Apache overflight that happened the same time my group of senior citizens was being told by the nice young ranger that we had to stop fishing and leave the Outer Banks.

    • rw says:

      Along with the full-court press on AGW.

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