Global Sea Ice Area Continues Its Spectacular Growth

There has been no global warming for 17 years, and global sea ice area is increasing as well. The earth has gained 27,000 Manhattans of sea ice since this date last year, and is greater than it was on this date in 1984.

ScreenHunter_1304 Oct. 09 04.42

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Global Sea Ice Area Continues Its Spectacular Growth

  1. tom0mason says:

    But more Park Rangers are needed in Antarctica as the scientific station is closed down because of the government shutdown.

  2. Scott says:

    The data for the link you gave only goes up to September 29th of this year I believe. So it does not have Oct 6th for this year.

  3. danleywolfe says:

    This chart doesn’t make any sense. The actual (daily) data can be downloaded covering 1979 through 2013 to date from U of I website .

    See their chart here:

    Looks nothing like your chart.

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