Gore Takes $500 Million From Oil Billionaires, Then Calls For Everyone Else To Give Up Their Big Oil Money

Gore also expressed support for the divestment movement that has been growing in popularity on college campuses in the U.S., referring to investment in fossil fuels as a “carbon bubble.” The movement contends that investing in fossil fuels is a moral hazard but will become a financial hazard, too, when there is a global price on carbon emissions.

Al Gore Draws Parallels Between Budget Crisis And Climate Change Denial

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Gore Takes $500 Million From Oil Billionaires, Then Calls For Everyone Else To Give Up Their Big Oil Money

  1. In 1855 they thought global warming was caused by earth’s magnetic field. As fabulous as that theory was, it is no more preposterous than today’s thinking that it’s caused by CO2. This magnetic field theory was concocted by an early genius named John Murray and is written up here:


  2. Justa Joe says:

    Seeing as Gore & Obama’s Chicago climate exchange has already went belly up the “carbon price bubble” has already came and went.

    I love how these donk will spit out any combination of buzzwords as long as they think it will make for good agitprop even if it’s nonsensical.

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