Greenpeace Founder Explains How It Has Been Taken Over By Commies


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Greenpeace Founder Explains How It Has Been Taken Over By Commies

  1. Andy Oz says:

    “I get to sit out in the sun in October and get a tan.”
    Wow. That’s the alarmist measure of catastrophic global warming??!
    Pass the choom to the left hand side and it all makes sense. P

  2. tom0mason says:

    The usual response I’ve had from the average green activist boils down to this –

    “Hi, I’m an activist. I can repeat all the emotional stuff about global thingy and like sound really connected because I can’t like think. I mean what does all this data and stuff mean. It’s just too confusing. We have to think of future generations don’t we? Besides emoting is what I’m good at and it makes me feel, like, more in touch, more liked.”

    • Cqstudios says:

      Data is more info. Info is what helps you arrive at decisions. With no info. Then you have opinions and molded ones too. Opinions lead to make decisions. When you make decisions with little or no info then you may be doing something harmful to yourself and or to others. Ie lets think of future generations and how. Movements against industrialization causes many deaths especially in third world countries.
      If you care about future generations then you need info. To understand that corporations along with gov,t. It’s called a Private Public Partnership will give you Propaganda for their benefit not yours and tax the future generations ie carbon taxes which are completely unnecessary but will benefit corporations and hurt future generations.
      If you don’t understand please don’t support things because they sound good. In which then you are acting on an opinion rather than informing yourself and acting with the truth. I hope this message finds you well.

  3. gator69 says:

    Penn Jillete is one of my favorite fellow Libertarians, and one of my favorite atheists.

  4. I still have my save the whales T shirt

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