Greenpeace Working To Make Everybody Hate Them

ScreenHunter_1202 Oct. 02 09.24

Basel face action after Greenpeace disrupts match against Schalke | Football |

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Greenpeace Working To Make Everybody Hate Them

    • Hugh K says:

      Brought to you by the activist Tides Foundation.

      The Tides Foundation is quickly becoming the 800-pound gorilla of radical activist funding, and this couldn’t happen without a nine-figure balance sheet. Just about every big name in the world of public grantmaking lists Tides as a major recipient. Anyone who has heard the closing moments of a National Public Radio news broadcast is familiar with these names. In 1999 alone, Tides took in an astounding $42.9 million. It gave out $31.1 million in grants that year, and applied the rest to a balance sheet whose bottom line is over $120 million. Since 1996, one foundation alone (the Pew Charitable Trusts) has poured over $40 million into Tides. And at least 17 others have made grants to Tides in excess of $100,000.

      The list of grantees who eventually received these funds includes many of the most notorious anti-consumer groups in U.S. history: Greenpeace, the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), Environmental Media Services, Environmental Working Group, and even fringe groups like the now-defunct Mothers & Others for a Livable Planet (which used actress Meryl Streep to “front” the 1989 Alar-ON-APPLES health scare fraud for NRDC).

      TIDES is out of San Francisco…..that would be Nancy Pelosi’s district….you know, the place where Obama goes to receive his campaign funds.

      • Wyguy says:

        You mention NPR, I do hope they are shutdown by the budget fight. Best thing that could happen, that and shut abortion clinics that receive federal funding.

  1. Fred from Canuckistan says:

    Wonder if the Russkies are providing organic vegan meals to the Arctic 30?

  2. How many gallons of fuel did Greenpeace use to sail up there in the first place?

  3. phodges says:

    How often does Greenpeace target Anglo-American interests???

    Russians aren’t the only ones up there.

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