Guilt First – Then Taxes

How Obama convinces Americans to let him steal their money

  1. Bait and switch : It won’t cost you a penny
  2. Guilt : Think about the polar bear babies drowning, and the poor people not being able to kill their own babies
  3. Transparency : Executive orders and secretly written bills
  4. Extortion : If you don’t go along with this, you are an evil terrorist
  5. Larceny  : 50% of sheeple think that the latest theft from their neighbor’s wallet is an excellent idea.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Guilt First – Then Taxes

  1. Okie says:

    And if that doesn’t work, he’ll go with the time tested method of blaming the Jews; donors excepted, of course.

  2. gator69 says:

    6. Propaganda: Complicit media provides free brainwashings hourly, reinforced by the Department of Education, communist entertainment cabal, and a thoroughly leftist government funded academia complex.

  3. Sean says:

    Cigarettes are the best example of demonize and tax. 3/4 of the purchase price now goes into state general fund. Its no wonder that anti-smoking adds are not near as prevalent as they used to be. I’m sure there are anti-fossil energy bureaucrats drooling at the possibility of taking 3/4 of the revenue from fuel sales. In fact in Europe, I think they are already close to this level for motor fuels.

  4. Sundance says:

    We have a growing segment of society that is guilt ridden and desires to be oppressed. I know that this seems crazy to educated people who understand and apply science, math and economics into their lives, for those who have never developed their emotional center and remain emotionally immature, they feel bad about success and want to be oppressed. Obama uses such knowledge to incorporate into his rhetoric and he is very effective with emotionally immature people.

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