Evidence Of Hallucinogens In The UK Water Supply

ScreenHunter_1568 Oct. 16 06.37

Hodgson: we can win World Cup in Brazil

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Evidence Of Hallucinogens In The UK Water Supply

  1. Jimmy Haigh. says:

    It’s the same every time. England win a few games or qualify for a tournament and they think they are world beaters.

  2. ozspeaksup says:


  3. Ben Vorlich says:

    As a Scot I have very bad memories of World Cup FInals in South America. Hopefully Mr Hodgson and his team will suffer a similar nightmare.

  4. NikFromNYC says:

    Hallucinogens fueled the anti-authoritarianism of the 60s, and along with bootleg tapes of Pink Floyd also helped cause a revolution in Russia that ended the Cold War. Alas the fossil hippies all turned into proud Bush derangement syndrome drones, here in Manhattan, but there’s still some hope that “conservative punk” will grow out of Redeye program watching hipster crowd. Naturally highly rebellious recreational drug enthusiasts, apart from the small percentage of abusers, are the best hope for climate skeptics to make a real dent in the left wing because they overlap with young liberals and only young people tend to change their minds easily. Skepticism remains profoundly uncool, I’m afraid, since it antagonizes a highly popular president whose only fault is listening to whole scientific bodies and the Nobel Prize committee who he is likely quite fond of. The whole youth crowd simply doesn’t yet know it’s all a damn scam. The worthy target of wrath isn’t party kids but the academic scientists who have so far failed to speak out, leaving but a few like Lindsen and Soon open to ridicule, undefended except by bloggers with no academic standing. Since the data now accumulating falsifies alarmist claims, these publicly silent types should now be more and more worried about their future reputations when the inevitable backlash kicks in.

  5. Adam Gallon says:

    Just wait for the marvelous (ahem) official song!
    Will it match Scotland’s famous offering from 1978?

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