Hansen : China To Save The World From Global Warming

ScreenHunter_185 May. 13 08.52


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Hansen : China To Save The World From Global Warming

  1. Bob Greene says:

    The same China that was completing 3 coal plants per week and had 47% of the world’s coal produced electricity? I’ve read that China recently said they were going to back off on building coal fired power plants for something greener. Seeing is believing.

  2. scizzorbill says:

    I am so relieved that China will save the planet from a mythical problem. Burning Dragon dung instead of coal will be helpful.

  3. tom0mason says:

    As the Chinese say Mr. Hansen ‘may you live in interesting times’. Preferably having to explain yourself before your conviction.

  4. TomC says:

    This is the same China which, by next year, will have double the CO2 emissions of the US.

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